

  • well if we're just talking about appearances, i can go ON: a lightly chiseled body, broad shoulders, body that tapers in at the waist a bit, that V, and i LOVE big manly hands idk why, but its the second thing i look at after a face. and speaking of faces a guy with a good jawline, nice lips, dark eyes and dark hair plus…
  • hmm, well i hate to say something so "boring" but id have to say just stick to your plan: make sure you're not going over your daily calorie intake, exercise too (but it sounds like you're doing that), and drink water so you maintain ur muscle instead of losing it (and some protein for that matter). Cardio, as im sure you…
  • ha i know what you mean, ive made my goal before and never reached it -but this time i sure as hell will! im that determined. lol Good luck to you and to everyone else too :)