annpatalexa Member


  • Thank you ladies. I ended up going through with it. Not the most comfortable thing in the world. It knocked me out of commission for a day. Thank you for confirming that its just like every other BC. While I am secretly (not so secretly) hoping for the "Dramatic weight loss" that some people have spoke of on other forums.…
  • Apparently "One more Mile" was too much
  • My favorite lately has been more of a brand. Siggi Brand Icelandic Skyr. I like it cause its low cal (around 110-120), Low sugar (normally between 9-11g) and high protein, around 14.g. They're flavors have been really good. Flavors I can miss: Banana, Pineapple, lemon. Pretty much anything with a yellow label. Also Chobani…
  • Special Kitty is on to something there. The only way I can eat that much sodium and not gain is if I drink a gallon of water. And I'm not kidding. I normally drink between 1/2 and 3/4 gallon a day. Drink water for a few days and reweigh. YOu should come down.
  • My boyfriend is vegetarian. I would call him more a junkfoodtarian. He's been doing it for over a decade and has gotten lazy and buys the veggie nuggets for multiple meals a week. I told him when we move in together (and honestly I'm doing this now) we're going to aim for real food vegetarian. Its tricky, but once you…
  • Thanks. Today is an improvement: Gym stuff is in my car. I brought lunch- Needs improvements but a fruit cup, yogurt, Goat Cheese & Crackers is a start. My fridge is a bit bear. And I'm starting working on a shopping list. Gotta work on being super godmom. Thats a good way to put it. I've been good at Fairy GodMom to him,…
  • There is nothing to your salad. It needs protein. Look into adding beans to it. Talk to your doctor and do your research about what which suppressant you would be put on. Most insurances will not cover it.
  • OK lots of stuff going on here. My thoughts: Weight Train 3 days a week, Cardio 3 days a week. Rest 1. (MWF Weights, TThS Cardio, Sunday rest) That will maximize it. Muscles burn more calories resting after a workout. Cardio is a fast burn. So mixing it up you can find a good balance of weight loss. Remember eat. Time I…
  • Start weight: 245 Goal Weight: 170 Lbs to Lose: 75 08/01: 245 09/05: 10/03: 11/07: 12/05: 12/26:<<<GOAL WEIGHT>>> My Sept 5 weight is going to be done tomorrow 8/27. I'm doing two weeks in Europe and not going to have a scale :-)
  • I gained 30 pounds going on Depo Shot. And have been on Nuva Ring for almost a decade. I didn't notice any noticeable weight gain switching between the two. My suggestion is to talk with your doctor about the weight loss with going of the pill. S/he might have some suggestions. But keep tracking your food and activities…
  • Support is what you make of it. Reach out when you need, support when you can. Its a give take thing. You can't always take. But give what you can, support you have, knowledge where you have it.
  • OK. I've had migraines for a long time to. They were getting really bad about 2 months ago. My new dentist's questionnaire asked if I had migraines. So I said yes. He asked me about them and asked me if I had my wisdom teeth. Yes. Long story short, we removed my wisdom teeth and I've had 1 migraine in the past month and…
  • I didn't read the other answers and I'm a bad person for that but my phone is being dumb. *Shop Sales for starters. *Skip Junk Food *Some of the stores near me have "value fruit/veggies" its stuff thats best used ASAP and about to go. But I'll get a dozen bananas for 0.90 and make Banana bread or muffins. But they also…
  • I won't say it was a better way it was just a different way. PointsPlus really confused me. I couldn't get how fruits and veggies were zero points. The points were way to confusing for me. I just need numbers that make sense and aren't made up from some witchcraft and magic- still have no idea how those numbers happened
  • I've given that advice to others in regards to losing weight (I lost 40 pounds before grad school and then gained it back). Its weird and a little funny to get my own medicine. :laugh:
  • The C25K ap has me walking the first 5 minutes. So I've been doing that. Nonracegoal- I would like to be able to run/jog the sidewalks in my development. My current loop is about half of it which is 1.7 miles. Near Goal is the 5K part of the Philly Rock and Roll Half Marathon in September. And the Far goal is January's New…
  • Most the time I'm doing outdoor. I can't seem to get a pace that I don't step on the plastic parts on a treadmill.
  • My sister breast fed her oldest daughter to 1 year and her son to 15 months (doctor recommended due to baby allergies). That plus eating healthy and walking/running has gotten her back to her prepreg weight pretty easily. She had a healthy life style going into having kids. She opted for breast feeding for multiple…
  • OMG that is so me.... I have a costume on its way for a 5K where I'm dressed like Wonderwoman. The cape makes you go faster! I may or may not own a pair of clearance supergirl panties... But spot on with a lot of these things. I'm not sure whats step 7. I'm not sure I'll ever do a bikini pic.
  • Hi, So I have two left feet and can't do Zumba to save my life. I'm told its fantastic but I have a hard time going in the right directions. 30 Minutes of Zumba- as long as you're going gusto with it, and the squats/Lunges should be good. If you live on campus check to see if your school offers Zumba in the gym. They might…
  • Good Morning First off- Way to go Quitting smoking! :flowerforyou: This is my second time losing weight. I managed to lose 40 pounds, then I started grad school and gained most of it back and now I'm getting back on track. So this is what I found works better for me. I found that starting small worked best for me. First…
  • As dorky as it is. And as much as it sucks to do. Take a measuring cup when you prepare foods, get a food scale to weigh meats, and get accurate. You would be surprised what 2oz of dry noodles actually looks like both dry and cooked. 1 cup of mashed potatoes is smaller then my fist.
  • I only record on Mondays and Fridays. But I'll sometimes peek in the week. I want to get back into not peeking and cut out one of those days.
  • I've always been confused with the Keto Diet. A friend of mine who has epilepsy probelms did the diet when her doctor told her it could help the epilepsy. It helped that but her weight loss was long and slow. During a whole year of this diet she lost about half a pound a week, ending the year at -28 pounds. It also helped…
  • Haha, If I can't be skinny let me bake for my neighbors so they won't be either. :-) Love it!
  • No, But I think we could be awesome partners in crime.
  • Great! I look forward to seeing our success!
  • I've been told through people at work- so I don't know how real this is- that its easier to lose bigger numbers in the the first month or two of a fitness program if you're starting from no program. Keep an eye on it. If it stays at 3lbs for an extended period talk with your doctor about seeing a nutritionist who might be…
  • Take your measurements. In two or three weeks do it again. My scale was stuck at 215 for a while (my first attempt at making a healthy life style) but my inches kept dropping. I ended up going from a size 14 to a size 10 still at 215 pounds. I've often looked back at this pin on facebook:…
  • Thats an awesome victory. I have a box of size 12 pants waiting for me to get back into!