

  • Hello, I just started counting calories this week. I did the sacred heart diet last week as a jump start but it was not as fun as this. You can eat what you want but in moderation. The diary is a great help, it allows you to SEE what you are eating. You become more consciene of your intake.~good luck
  • Thanks, cjjones! I did cardio and circuit traing yesterday...and I plan to do it today also. I was in the Bahamas in February, I wasn't all that satisfied with my body on that trip so I have to do better for this one. We are going to Negril...I'm looking forward to it!
  • Thanks for the tips, I love strawberries and pineapples too...but I'm not a big orange fan....4-6 times a week to the gym with my schedule sounds waaaay out there but I'm trying to do my best on that end.
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