

  • I am in the Men's Fitness magazine top 10 of fattest cities - Corpus Christi, Texas...
  • My name is Stacey and I am a homeschool mom to one - I have had one graduate from homeschool in 2009 and my other son went to public school for the first time this year. I am homeschooling my daughter who is in 7th grade. I have homeschooled for 14 years. I was a certified fitness trainer after highschool. I never had a…
  • Hi, I am new to the group. I have homeschooled one all the way through high school. (2009 graduate) I have homeschooled my other one until the 10th grade. He wanted to play football, so he is in public school this year. We use ABeka DVD program 2. I have been very happy with it. My oldest is in his 3rd year of college with…
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