ladybugny Member


  • Wanderinglight: Have you tried EMDR? That worked for me except we did it with tapping each side of the body rather than with eye movement. My issue is I am fine while exercising but when the endorphin rush hits later in the day I get panicked and then shut down from resuming my routine. This has been occurring now for a…
  • I did that to learn to function in normal life situations (driving was a big one) but didn't realize I had this issue until just recently. It took more time to surface since the others were a higher priority. Maybe I need to go back? What techniques worked best for you?
  • Please remember its not the number of calories that count so much as the quality of the calories. Chose foods that your body can work with. For me, I found cutting out processed foods was the biggest difference. I also worked hard to cut down on sugar and I have SO much more energy. The scale is moving but even more…
  • You look amazing!!!
  • I was the SAME way. Its so frustrating to see these other women just drop the baby weight and say it was the nursing, but I never did until a few weeks/ months after nursing stopped. I nursed my son for 16 months and my daughter for 21 months so I understand how you feel. The first thing I did was congratulate myself for…
  • Me too. Looking to lose 30 and just restarted.
  • I peel and wrap in foil then eat like a ice pop. Another GREAT idea, if you are craving banana ice cream, is you freeze the bananas and then let them melt a bit and whip them in the food processor. I usually throw the whipped stuff back in the freezer and eat later. It somehow takes on a creamy texture and feels like ice…
  • Have you ever tried journaling so you can see what emotions you are feeling when you want to run to food? I am an emotional eater so when I am feeling like I want to run to food I slow down and ask myself why I am reacting (because this is a reaction and not hunger). And what triggered me to want to complete such a self…