MsHQ Member


  • I have that same issue. It is hard for me to eat a lot because I'm either full or feel like i'm stuffing my face. My solution has come down to eating more 500calorie meals and 400calories snacks. & not so much eating a bunch of small items in big portions. it's easier that way. Hope this helps. =)
  • depending on the types of workouts you do, determines the amount carbs you need. I do high impact type aerobics so i have to eat more carbs. but if your not willing to burn them then don't eat them. However the top 10 foods for "super abs" are: 1. Almonds 2. Eggs 3. Soy 4. Apples 5. Berries 6. Leafy Greens 7. Yogurt 8.…
    in Baby Gut Comment by MsHQ June 2011
  • AGREED ! RUNNING works miracles for the body, if you do nothing else, try running!
    in Baby Gut Comment by MsHQ June 2011
  • also, incorporate more STRENGTH TRAINING, into your plan. Whether you use resistance bands or weights, you will have way better results, because it helps to tighten up the skin. =)
    in Baby Gut Comment by MsHQ June 2011
  • Hi! I actually have the same problem.. but lately Ive been noticing more changes, and really the only way your gonna see progress in the lower half of your belly or your pooch, is to change what your eating! abs are all about NUTRITION. As soon as you change your nutrition, your overall body fat will decrease including…
    in Baby Gut Comment by MsHQ June 2011
  • Im down for the cause... Welcome new friend.. lets get motivated!
  • Hi, I understand how you feel, but really I have done Insanity, and im gonna say that you probably won't see results until the end of the program.. and they may not be as drastic as you may like, however, the fact that you are always hungry shows that your metabolism has sped up and you may also need to be eating more…
  • I totally agree!! Don't worry about it !! you did great.. It's just another lesson learned =)