

  • Just made these, and they are yummy! I too left off the topping (to save some calories), and they were just sweet enough. I will definitely make them again :)
  • I make my own Greek yoghurt from scratch in a crock pot. It's a little time consuming, but it saves me a lot of money :)
  • They're probably all horrible for you definitely in moderation ;) I made a cream cheese/nutella frosting once that was wonderful...I dread to think how many calories were in it though lol
  • My friend's mother is very heavy (but she used to be heavier), and she started by getting one of those things that is like bike pedals that you can use while sitting in a chair. It was very cheap at walmart, and very low impact....because her feet weren't carrying the weight of her body while she used it. She started with…
  • I totally know how you feel, when I've gone on diets in the past and not seen enough of a result on the scale, I've totally thrown in the towel and gone right back to my old ways. That's probably why I'm so very fat now though lol I know it's a little depressing, but try to think of some you feel better…