Lolyiam Member


  • Starting weight: 144lbs (5 days ago) Gw: 125lbs CW: 145.6. its that time of month so I'm hoping it's just water weight. Feel free to add me.
  • Is it too late for me to join you guys?! I need to lose a total of 20lbs. If I could do it by New Years that would be so awesome!! I'm just now getting started its been several months since I've worked out so I'm slowly getting back to it. It's hard!!! CW: 144lbs GW: 125lbs
  • Im new to using MFP message boards. My birthday is in April and I'm trying to lose 20 before then. I'm in nursing school, graduating this may, I have a hectic schedule and need all the support and motivation I can get. I struggle more with working out because eating healthy is not difficult for me. I'd love to hear how…