ashcoy Member


  • ....someone didn't get enough hugs as a child. pity.
  • I wake up an hour before I want to hit the pavement, eat a peanut butter sandwich (or toast with peanut butter) or a granola bar, and go back to bed for the next hour. I would keep it right next to my bed and grab it once the alarm went off. I get my fuel and really only lose 15 minutes of sleep. But if you're the kind of…
  • I agree with the idea of getting a "fun" water bottle. I have a water bobble (, which has a tiny filter on the top so I can fill it up anywhere....and it doesn't leave me with that tap water taste. Just an idea! I drink tons more water now because I have it.
    in water Comment by ashcoy May 2011
  • Exciting! I ran the Philadelphia Rock 'n Roll Half last September - definitely a great race series. Anyway, I'd check out and I prefer (go to the Endurance section, and click on Running) just because I feel like it offers a lot of info for newbies and intermediate runners, where…