Cheese or No Cheese



  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!

    Why would I want to reduce or give up dairy? The protein, fat and carbs in whole milk is in such a perfect combination for replenishing energy, increase testosterone levels and building muscle. Additionally, fat, mainly saturated fat is great for brain health and hormone levels which helps you feel good. I’ll keep my dairy, thank you.

    Do you come on forums to pick up new information and ideas or just to pick fights with people? Looks like the latter currently. No one is going to force you to drink soymilk, but I will say your testosterone levels already look pretty high. Why not be respectful and open to other ideas?
  • Luthorcrow
    Luthorcrow Posts: 193
    Good to see you are all cheesy:) Yes, I do portion it out, weigh it, or get pre portioned, and yes I use 2%. I have a serving once or twice a day. I am not a milk drinker either, so I was justifying it by needing it. I work out hard, and didn't think it was all that bad. Just really wondered if it would stall weight loss like my friend suggested. He is a health nut, and very fit, and gave up cheese for 3 years, but I agree, if I were to deprive myselft completly it would feel like a "diet", and I would surely give up at some point. Glad to see big weight loss numbers with you cheese eaters, so I know it can be done.

    Sounds like you doing the right thing. Personally, I love sharp cheddar cheese and pepper jack. No, I have not given them up although I limit my intake and it is more of treat than a staple. As long as you are measuring and do not let it inflate your fat intake you are fine.

    As for the whole "diary is bad" argument, unless you have a food allergy or missing the genes to digest milk products, then diary is perfectly healthy for you. I understand we all have a our own personal beliefs about what is best but taking extreme positions not supported by good science is just not responsible. Is milk good for everyone no but is for a great many people.

    Hell, if we are going to go all healthy Nazi, someone needs to go tell the Maasai Africa tribe that it is unhealthy given that cow's milk. meat and blood make up the majority of their diet and they are healthy and fitter than 90% of the folks I see. Funny how reality tends to burst ideological balloons.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    If you are in it for a lifestyle change then don't "cut out" anything you like. You learn to enjoy it in moderation and not to over indulge. That is a lifestyle change. Now if you want to loose 10lbs in a mont to fit in a dress for a wedding then you are on a diet and cut out cheese. There is a huge difference in learning how to eat appropriatly to "cutting out things" for a quick fix .. Know what I mean?

    This is a great response.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!

    Why would I want to reduce or give up dairy? The protein, fat and carbs in whole milk is in such a perfect combination for replenishing energy, increase testosterone levels and building muscle. Additionally, fat, mainly saturated fat is great for brain health and hormone levels which helps you feel good. I’ll keep my dairy, thank you.

    Do you come on forums to pick up new information and ideas or just to pick fights with people? Looks like the latter currently. No one is going to force you to drink soymilk, but I will say your testosterone levels already look pretty high. Why not be respectful and open to other ideas?
    Right! Every thread I see him on he is disagreeing about something (ya I know, you can have an opinion)..blah blah blah! Dairy really does cause certain health issues for certain people. I can only have a little dairy without my stomach going crazy! All she said was to give it a try. She didn't tell YOU to stop having your dairy. geesh!
  • anave285
    anave285 Posts: 67 Member
    I eat cheese daily because I love it and couldn't do this without it. I consistently lose weight. As long as you are on your weekly weight loss track then don't worry about it. Don't try to rush the weight off because if it doesn't come as quickly as you'd like, you may get discouraged and give up.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Ok. If you want to ignore the facts and the information that I am trying to give you, then that is your problem. I didn't just come up with this to be difficult or cause a fight with you. So come back when you actually have something productive to say.

    Fine how is this for productive?

    What specifically is the difference between the composition of human milk and cow’s milk and what about those difference makes cow’s milk bad? If we just drink milk because the dairy industry tells us to, then why have civilizations been doing it for centuries, specifically isolated colonies like those in Africa? Further, if dairy is “linked” to all of the diseases and ailments that you have listed, why have these civilizations and colonies suffered from very few of them?

    I think these are intelligent questions that given you position, your should be able to answer for me.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Right! Every thread I see him on he is disagreeing about something (ya I know, you can have an opinion)..blah blah blah! Dairy really does cause certain health issues for certain people. I can only have a little dairy without my stomach going crazy! All she said was to give it a try. She didn't tell YOU to stop having your dairy. geesh!

    I disagree when there is need to disagree, and unfortunately on these forums, there is a lot of bad information. There are many people on these forums, that my disagreements (based upon research, by the way) have helped. If you disagree with what I say, then I am open to hearing your counter argument, admittedly, I am not always right. But if you don’t like that approach and still don’t like what I have to say , either report me, or don’t read it.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member
    Ok. If you want to ignore the facts and the information that I am trying to give you, then that is your problem. I didn't just come up with this to be difficult or cause a fight with you. So come back when you actually have something productive to say.

    Fine how is this for productive?

    What specifically is the difference between the composition of human milk and cow’s milk and what about those difference makes cow’s milk bad? If we just drink milk because the dairy industry tells us to, then why have civilizations been doing it for centuries, specifically isolated colonies like those in Africa? Further, if dairy is “linked” to all of the diseases and ailments that you have listed, why have these civilizations and colonies suffered from very few of them?

    I think these are intelligent questions that given you position, your should be able to answer for me.

    Google USDA and milk corrupt....I have watched plenty of documentaries about this and the USDA does push more dairy on us than needed...agree or not, the facts are there
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    You go right ahead and keep your dairy. However, I am suggesting as will many sources on the web if you dare to look - will tell you that you do NOT need dairy. We are the only species that drink milk from another animal and we drink it well past infancy. There are plenty of other foods that will give you the healthy fat, protien and energy replenishment! Dairy is very hard on our insides and causes many issues many of us do not realize is linked to too much dairy. Again, no one has to give it up, but reducing the amount would be a big step in the right direction. But all I was suggesting was a trial diet - what is the harm in trying something that can actually be very beneficial for your health?

    We are also the only species that cooks food, grows their own food, goes to school, builds cities, travels in space, etc…

    There are also colonies in Africa that drink large quantities of goats milk with no adverse effects. They also have significantly lower heart disease rates even though they have higher saturated fat intakes than we do. And they don’t have the dairy industry telling them to drink it, it is just what they have come to do to survive.

    Okay - now you're reaching.
    And if you want to even think about comparing the US milk drinking population to the African milk drinking population you'll be sorry to see - we don't compare! Our life styles are dramatically different and what they thrive on may not be to our benefit.

    There is plenty of substantial evidence out there on why one should reduce or remove dairy from their diet. But apparently you don't dare to do any research to see and completly avoid the actual message that was said "Remove or reduce will not hurt you- you may actually benefit. However, no one is forcing the issue"

    Many people have adverse reactions (or mild allergies) to lactose not to mention how rough dairy is on our insides. Some of us can handle it without any problem. However, many people are sensitive and do not realize that many of their issues (such as weight, headaches, sluggish, temper, etc) are related to food.....not just dairy!! However, Dairy is the largest food allergen (next to peanuts).

    If you dont' want to remove dairy - so be it. Stop reading this post and go on with your day. However, there is plenty of research that shows both pros and cons to dairy. I'm not denying there are many benefits. However, there is no harm in trying a dairy free diet to see if it benefits *you*. (whats works for me, may not work for the next person - its a trial and error!)
  • akp090909
    akp090909 Posts: 5
    Cheese is my biggest downfall! I can walk right past cakes, cookies and pie, but give me some ooey gooey cheese and I'm on it! I do still eat cheese, but I watch how much. It's the one thing I actually messure to make sure that I am only eating as much as I think I am. Don't cut anything out of your diet completely, you'll feel deprived and not stick with it!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903

    FYI I do know the differences. I want to see if someone of the belief that dairy is bad can EXPLAIN the difference and WHY these differences attribute to certain conditions. I did not want to test copy and paste skills.

    That being said, this article makes very strong claims based upon correlation, not causation. I can do this to. Most people drive to work, working causes an increase in income, therefore, driving must be linked to an increase in income. See how that works.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You go right ahead and keep your dairy. However, I am suggesting as will many sources on the web if you dare to look - will tell you that you do NOT need dairy. We are the only species that drink milk from another animal and we drink it well past infancy. There are plenty of other foods that will give you the healthy fat, protien and energy replenishment! Dairy is very hard on our insides and causes many issues many of us do not realize is linked to too much dairy. Again, no one has to give it up, but reducing the amount would be a big step in the right direction. But all I was suggesting was a trial diet - what is the harm in trying something that can actually be very beneficial for your health?

    We are also the only species that cooks food, grows their own food, goes to school, builds cities, travels in space, etc…

    There are also colonies in Africa that drink large quantities of goats milk with no adverse effects. They also have significantly lower heart disease rates even though they have higher saturated fat intakes than we do. And they don’t have the dairy industry telling them to drink it, it is just what they have come to do to survive.

    Okay - now you're reaching.
    And if you want to even think about comparing the US milk drinking population to the African milk drinking population you'll be sorry to see - we don't compare! Our life styles are dramatically different and what they thrive on may not be to our benefit.

    There is plenty of substantial evidence out there on why one should reduce or remove dairy from their diet. But apparently you don't dare to do any research to see and completly avoid the actual message that was said "Remove or reduce will not hurt you- you may actually benefit. However, no one is forcing the issue"

    Many people have adverse reactions (or mild allergies) to lactose not to mention how rough dairy is on our insides. Some of us can handle it without any problem. However, many people are sensitive and do not realize that many of their issues (such as weight, headaches, sluggish, temper, etc) are related to food.....not just dairy!! However, Dairy is the largest food allergen (next to peanuts).

    If you dont' want to remove dairy - so be it. Stop reading this post and go on with your day. However, there is plenty of research that shows both pros and cons to dairy. I'm not denying there are many benefits. However, there is no harm in trying a dairy free diet to see if it benefits *you*. (whats works for me, may not work for the next person - its a trial and error!)

    I apologize if I came across that way, but I was not saying that you NEED dairy. I am simply stating that unless you have an allergy, dairy IS beneficial. My argument is against the idea that dairy is bad and should be avoided.
  • msblueyes5
    msblueyes5 Posts: 126 Member

    FYI I do know the differences. I want to see if someone of the belief that dairy is bad can EXPLAIN the difference and WHY these differences attribute to certain conditions. I did not want to test copy and paste skills.

    That being said, this article makes very strong claims based upon correlation, not causation. I can do this to. Most people drive to work, working causes an increase in income, therefore, driving must be linked to an increase in income. See how that works.

    Your honestly not doing anyone any good here (on this thread), and this site is about being positive. I know you don't think you are being negative but no one here is responding to you with anything pleasant. I feel like you are getting off on being combative, and that my friend is an ugly trait
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Ok. If you want to ignore the facts and the information that I am trying to give you, then that is your problem. I didn't just come up with this to be difficult or cause a fight with you. So come back when you actually have something productive to say.

    Fine how is this for productive?

    What specifically is the difference between the composition of human milk and cow’s milk and what about those difference makes cow’s milk bad? If we just drink milk because the dairy industry tells us to, then why have civilizations been doing it for centuries, specifically isolated colonies like those in Africa? Further, if dairy is “linked” to all of the diseases and ailments that you have listed, why have these civilizations and colonies suffered from very few of them?

    I think these are intelligent questions that given you position, your should be able to answer for me.

    I'm not really sure what you are asking here. Human milk is absolutely perfect for human babies, but I'm sure you're not asking if you should be drinking that instead of cow's milk? (Although it would make more sense.)

    Like I said before, cow's milk is designed to give infant cows the fuel they need to put on massive amounts of weight quickly. Human milk is designed to aid primarily in brain development. Among other differences, cow's milk has no antibodies, at least double the amount of protein, also which is less digestible. Different kinds of fat, also less digestible. Cows have 4 stomachs, remember?

    I don't know anything about the isolated tribes of Africa and the goat milk they consume and how it affects their health. I am more concerned with the way dairy is protrayed as a necessary and healthy part of our diets in America.

    "An article posted by U.S. News & World Report called 10 Things the Food Industry Doesn’t Want You to Know reveals, “The studies that food producers support tend to minimize health concerns associated with their products,” and that “of hundreds of studies that looked at the health effects of milk, juice, and soda, the likelihood of conclusions favorable to the industry was several times higher among industry-sponsored research than studies that received no industry funding.”

    I'm just curious as to why you are so defensive about this. I used to think dairy was really healthy too until I started looking into myself. That is all I am asking of you. Have an open mind.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Ok. If you want to ignore the facts and the information that I am trying to give you, then that is your problem. I didn't just come up with this to be difficult or cause a fight with you. So come back when you actually have something productive to say.

    Fine how is this for productive?

    What specifically is the difference between the composition of human milk and cow’s milk and what about those difference makes cow’s milk bad? If we just drink milk because the dairy industry tells us to, then why have civilizations been doing it for centuries, specifically isolated colonies like those in Africa? Further, if dairy is “linked” to all of the diseases and ailments that you have listed, why have these civilizations and colonies suffered from very few of them?

    I think these are intelligent questions that given you position, your should be able to answer for me.

    Google USDA and milk corrupt....I have watched plenty of documentaries about this and the USDA does push more dairy on us than needed...agree or not, the facts are there

    I think I may have misrepresented my point. I am not saying that you absolutely NEED dairy or that you should get x amount of it. I am simply disagreeing with the idea that dairy is bad for you. Don’t get me started on the USDA, I know, they are mostly corrupt idiots.
  • MrsSorenson
    MrsSorenson Posts: 450 Member
    I live in Wisconsin and that would be a sin to cut out CHEESE! Everything in moderation is how I see it, cut it down and see where it takes you. :)

    Good Luck!
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I battle with cheese. I love it. I eat too much of it. So I allow myself feta, parmesan, cotija and cottage cheese (because I don't eat them in excess). Any cheese in a lean cuisine or smart ones is fine. I don't eat the others right now. I abuse cheese and it abuses me. However, I do hope, once I have lost more weight, that I will be able to eat it in moderation.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member

    FYI I do know the differences. I want to see if someone of the belief that dairy is bad can EXPLAIN the difference and WHY these differences attribute to certain conditions. I did not want to test copy and paste skills.

    That being said, this article makes very strong claims based upon correlation, not causation. I can do this to. Most people drive to work, working causes an increase in income, therefore, driving must be linked to an increase in income. See how that works.

    "Let's face it, folks: breastmilk is what human babies need. And by breastmilk, I mean human breastmilk, not the milk from another species. Cow's milk is a terrible food choice for humans of any age. Nature knows best, and in nature, you don't see members of one species running up to a lactating mother of another species to take a drink. Only humans could be so stupid. Furthermore, breastmilk from any species is baby food, not adult food. The nutritional markers clearly spell it out.

    So why do so many human adults still drink baby food from cows? Must have something to do with the clever marketing of the dairy industry: "Hey, let's convince an entire country of adults to drink baby food from lactating cows!" And that's exactly what they did.

    The only time you should be drinking cow's milk is if you look in the mirror one day and notice that you're covered in brown fur, you have four hooves, a large black cow nose, and a fly swatting tail. If that's you, go ahead and drink cow's milk. "
    Learn more:

    Milk has special enzymes and hormones to promote brain development and growth. And breastmilk is much for newborns b/c cow's milk does not contain sufficient vitamin E, iron, or essential fatty acids, which can make infants fed on cow's milk anemic. As babies grow, the need for these particular nutrients, enzymes and hormones is not needed. You don't see an adult cow drinking milk. Babies/toddlers need milk. Again I do understand there are benefits to milk. However, many (most) of those benefits can be found in other more nutritious foods. But....if you (general) like your glass of cold milk so be it. But humans (mostly Americans) drink and eat way too much dairy. There is dairy in so many products - just read the ingredients. Its not *only* in milk, cheese, sour cream - but also in some cereals, granola bars, cookies, crackers and more. Also, how many recipies call for 1c milk? Too many!!
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