Cheese or No Cheese



  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    I still eat cheese and I'm losing just fine. I also do not eat the light or low-fat varieties because they seem to have higher sodium.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    I think it bad for you, I dont eat it that often, I also cut out alot of bread, I no what your thinking, very hard!!!!
  • go2grrl
    go2grrl Posts: 190 Member
    I love cheese more than any other food. However, sodium is my nemesis. So I have whittled down my intake to only having cheese on the occasional sandwich or when a specific recipe calls for it. But when winter gets here and there's no fresh, local fruit available to snack on, I'll go back to having a daily ounce of cheese with some turkey, a hard boiled egg or nuts for a snack. If you can work it into your calories and your sodium limit, then go for it. I would just stay away from the processed "cheese."
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    I gave up dairy and it worked for me. Try it and see. Give it up and if you don't see more of a weight loss, then you know dairy/cheese is not your enemy. It's not really my "enemy" but not a very good friend. So I have a splurge day where I am allowed a bit of cheese (say Mexican night or pizza) - but I cut out milk, yogurt (which was hard b/c I was getting a HUGE amount of protien from my greek yogurt), cheese and other after reading ingredients its amazing how much milk is in things you never would think.

    Again - no harm in trying it. Dairy takes 2-3 days to process through the body. So basically the cheese you eat today will not be completely out of your system until Sat or Sun!! If you don't see the results you want, go back to eating cheese.

    Good luck
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    I wouldn't see the harm in keeping it in your diet. Personally, I rarely eat cheese. There is a vegan version called Daiya, it melts and stretches and tastes very similar (I shouldn't have to advertise that but you have probably never tried the other brands). Being that it is plant based, it is really low on the fat scale. When I do eat cheese, I have a wine and cheese party with my best friend. We save our barista tips for a few weeks and then have a wonderful night with gourmet cheeses and wines. I am not saying to cut it out, do what you like, I just know I find it far more enjoyable as a treat than I do in everyday life. :)
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    NO cheese otherwise i just get too tempted!
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I'd say it's ok to include to a point. It's generally high in unhealthy stuffs, ergo bad sat fats.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!

    Why would I want to reduce or give up dairy? The protein, fat and carbs in whole milk is in such a perfect combination for replenishing energy, increase testosterone levels and building muscle. Additionally, fat, mainly saturated fat is great for brain health and hormone levels which helps you feel good. I’ll keep my dairy, thank you.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Depending on how much you eat. Do you portion it, if not, then try that for starters. If you do, then maybe cut the amount you are eating. Maybe have cheese every other day. Personally, I have cheese almost daily - as long as you go for light or low fat (NOT fat free) and you portion it, you should be OK. Remember it's dairy, and one of the recommended food groups.

    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    How is dairy bad for you!?

    I eat drink full fat milk, eat full fat cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt. Guess what, I am still losing weight.

    Milk is a bodily fluid made by mammals specifically for the infants of that species. Cow milk is NOT for adult humans, despite what the dairy industry would like you to believe (and works VERY hard at it). I'm sorry that some of you still believe all the hype. Do some research and you will find out what I did....

    Dairy has been linked to all kinds of health issues such as allergies, asthma, alzheimers, heart disease, cancer, osteoprosis (that's right) and many other issues. Dairy products (and all animal proteins) contain methionine, a substance that contains sulfur and acidifies our blood. The body must then pull calcium from its stores to neutralize the acid. Therefore, dairy products actually result in a net calcium loss. This has been proven over and over again. Cultures that do not eat dairy regularly enjoy much lower rates of osteoprosis. Ironic, huh?

    In any case, what makes sense? Really, does it make sense that a fluid made for baby cows would be good for adult humans? Baby cows are born to put on a massive amount of weight very quickly, and their milk is perfectly designed for that function.

    You don't have to listen to me. Take off the blinders about dairy and look into it yourself. Just watch the source. The dairy industry puts millions and millions of dollars every year towards perpetuating the myth.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    A life without cheese is one not worth living, in my opinion. Like any food, it is all about portion control. I weigh out my portion, wrap the remainder up, and that's all I eat. I am only in dangerous territory if I stick a hunk of cheese out on the table and continuously nibble at it, because I can easily down a few ounces of it.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Depending on how much you eat. Do you portion it, if not, then try that for starters. If you do, then maybe cut the amount you are eating. Maybe have cheese every other day. Personally, I have cheese almost daily - as long as you go for light or low fat (NOT fat free) and you portion it, you should be OK. Remember it's dairy, and one of the recommended food groups.

    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    How is dairy bad for you!?

    I eat drink full fat milk, eat full fat cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and yogurt. Guess what, I am still losing weight.

    Milk is a bodily fluid made by mammals specifically for the infants of that species. Cow milk is NOT for adult humans, despite what the dairy industry would like you to believe (and works VERY hard at it). I'm sorry that some of you still believe all the hype. Do some research and you will find out what I did....

    Dairy has been linked to all kinds of health issues such as allergies, asthma, alzheimers, heart disease, cancer, osteoprosis (that's right) and many other issues. Dairy products (and all animal proteins) contain methionine, a substance that contains sulfur and acidifies our blood. The body must then pull calcium from its stores to neutralize the acid. Therefore, dairy products actually result in a net calcium loss. This has been proven over and over again. Cultures that do not eat dairy regularly enjoy much lower rates of osteoprosis. Ironic, huh?

    In any case, what makes sense? Really, does it make sense that a fluid made for baby cows would be good for adult humans? Baby cows are born to put on a massive amount of weight very quickly, and their milk is perfectly designed for that function.

    You don't have to listen to me. Take off the blinders about dairy and look into it yourself. Just watch the source. The dairy industry puts millions and millions of dollars every year towards perpetuating the myth.

    Honey is made by bees to sustain them through winter when there is no nectar or pollen… is eating honey certain death then too?
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!

    Why would I want to reduce or give up dairy? The protein, fat and carbs in whole milk is in such a perfect combination for replenishing energy, increase testosterone levels and building muscle. Additionally, fat, mainly saturated fat is great for brain health and hormone levels which helps you feel good. I’ll keep my dairy, thank you.

    You go right ahead and keep your dairy. However, I am suggesting as will many sources on the web if you dare to look - will tell you that you do NOT need dairy. We are the only species that drink milk from another animal and we drink it well past infancy. There are plenty of other foods that will give you the healthy fat, protien and energy replenishment! Dairy is very hard on our insides and causes many issues many of us do not realize is linked to too much dairy. Again, no one has to give it up, but reducing the amount would be a big step in the right direction. But all I was suggesting was a trial diet - what is the harm in trying something that can actually be very beneficial for your health?
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!

    Why would I want to reduce or give up dairy? The protein, fat and carbs in whole milk is in such a perfect combination for replenishing energy, increase testosterone levels and building muscle. Additionally, fat, mainly saturated fat is great for brain health and hormone levels which helps you feel good. I’ll keep my dairy, thank you.

    Do you come on forums to pick up new information and ideas or just to pick fights with people? Looks like the latter currently. No one is going to force you to drink soymilk, but I will say your testosterone levels already look pretty high. Why not be respectful and open to other ideas?
  • CajunApril
    CajunApril Posts: 60 Member
    If you are in it for a lifestyle change then don't "cut out" anything you like. You learn to enjoy it in moderation and not to over indulge. That is a lifestyle change. Now if you want to loose 10lbs in a mont to fit in a dress for a wedding then you are on a diet and cut out cheese. There is a huge difference in learning how to eat appropriatly to "cutting out things" for a quick fix .. Know what I mean?
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    You go right ahead and keep your dairy. However, I am suggesting as will many sources on the web if you dare to look - will tell you that you do NOT need dairy. We are the only species that drink milk from another animal and we drink it well past infancy. There are plenty of other foods that will give you the healthy fat, protien and energy replenishment! Dairy is very hard on our insides and causes many issues many of us do not realize is linked to too much dairy. Again, no one has to give it up, but reducing the amount would be a big step in the right direction. But all I was suggesting was a trial diet - what is the harm in trying something that can actually be very beneficial for your health?

    We are also the only species that cooks food, grows their own food, goes to school, builds cities, travels in space, etc…

    There are also colonies in Africa that drink large quantities of goats milk with no adverse effects. They also have significantly lower heart disease rates even though they have higher saturated fat intakes than we do. And they don’t have the dairy industry telling them to drink it, it is just what they have come to do to survive.
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!

    Why would I want to reduce or give up dairy? The protein, fat and carbs in whole milk is in such a perfect combination for replenishing energy, increase testosterone levels and building muscle. Additionally, fat, mainly saturated fat is great for brain health and hormone levels which helps you feel good. I’ll keep my dairy, thank you.

    Do you come on forums to pick up new information and ideas or just to pick fights with people? Looks like the latter currently. No one is going to force you to drink soymilk, but I will say your testosterone levels already look pretty high. Why not be respectful and open to other ideas?

    Because telling someone to restrict or eliminate something from their diet with no conclusive evidence is bad advice and should be challenged.
  • mandeiko
    mandeiko Posts: 1,657 Member
    All about portion control. I LOVE cheese, but it's my treat, not my meal. I don't put it on sandwiches or salads anymore, but if I do a fine job throughout the day, heck yeah I'm gonna have a piece!
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Ok. If you want to ignore the facts and the information that I am trying to give you, then that is your problem. I didn't just come up with this to be difficult or cause a fight with you. So come back when you actually have something productive to say.
  • maryd523
    maryd523 Posts: 661 Member
    Dairy might be one of the recommended food groups, but that does not mean it's good for you. Dairy is very bad for you and don't eat it because you think it's healthy. Eat it as a treat.

    Not sure if srs to be honest.

    Oh, I think they are serious.... wrong, but serious.

    One can give up dairy and live without any problem! No one NEEDS dairy in their system. I too was one that thought - its on the pyramid I must need it. Wrong. You can get the nutrients and better nutrients in other forms of food. Also, its not "un"healthy persay, but not the healthiest thing to eat. It takes up to 3 days to process through the body. Lactose can be very difficult for the body to process. Many people have an allergy to dairy and do not even realize it b/c it does take so long to digest. Dairy can weigh you down, cause health and sleep problems, skin issues, and more. Since i"ve been off dairy I can feel a big difference. Actually I feel a big (bad) difference on my splurge days! My belly acts up, I get headaches and feel sluggish.

    No giving up dairy is not beneficial for everyone! But reduction in dairy probably would be and I would suggest to anyone to try a lactose/dairy free diet for 3-4 weeks and see if they feel any different. If not - no harm done, but if they do....its a win-win!

    Why would I want to reduce or give up dairy? The protein, fat and carbs in whole milk is in such a perfect combination for replenishing energy, increase testosterone levels and building muscle. Additionally, fat, mainly saturated fat is great for brain health and hormone levels which helps you feel good. I’ll keep my dairy, thank you.

    Do you come on forums to pick up new information and ideas or just to pick fights with people? Looks like the latter currently. No one is going to force you to drink soymilk, but I will say your testosterone levels already look pretty high. Why not be respectful and open to other ideas?

    Because telling someone to restrict or eliminate something from their diet with no conclusive evidence is bad advice and should be challenged.

    I'm not the one with the lack of conclusive evidence.