MissEmilie2011 Member


  • LW 158 CW 158 I stalled out a little this week, but I'll pick it up next week. I've really been having a hard time with stress eating this week because finals are coming up. No excuses though I've gotta reach my goal!
  • SW (4/1/12): 162lbs CW (4/8/12): 158lbs I lost more than I thought I would. Hopefully I can keep this up.
  • Hi I'm Emilie. I'm new to running and I live in Middle TN also. I'm about 2 weeks away from finishing the C25K plan and I hope to run my 1st 5k the beginning of May.
  • I'm not doing any exercises on my off days right now, but I'm going to start doing some ab and arm exercises from my Jillian Michaels DVD. I'm not going to do any leg exercises on my days off just yet because I think they need to rest.
  • Fried everything! My dad fries almost anything. When I had to ask him to empty the oil and put away the flour, I thought he was going to have a melt down. (It's basically the only way he knows how to cook) Also, bacon and sausage because we raise hogs so that has been really tough especially during the winter. I mean…
  • Good for you. Just getting started and committing is a big step. Congrats! Feel free to add me I just finished W7D2. I'm no expert, but I'd be glad to offer support.
  • Thanks so much. Here is another quote that helps me get through my runs. I found it in a TN Cooperator paper. "A minute of pain is worth a life time of glory"
  • I felt the same way when I did this day. It is definitely a mental thing. My mind kept saying it's okay to stop and walk, but I really had to fight it and set little goals for myself. I can make it to the next tree, to the next fence. etc. until the timer finally ran out and I was finished. It felt amazing to get through…
  • Hi everyone, Tomorrow is W7D2 for me. I just can't believe how awesome this program is. It has literally changed my life in such a short period of time. I've never really been a runner. Today I decided to run 1 mile just for fun while my mom walked and I ended up running 2.5 minutes faster than I did the first time! I…
  • As of yesterday (4-1-12) 162lb. I'm so ready to get these 10lbs off :happy:
  • This link has a chart at the end that tells how many calories you are burning from running according to your pace and weight. The amounts are per hour though. Hope this helps. http://www.active.com/running/Articles/Portion-Patrol.htm
  • I created a new workout and input the calories I was burning according to active trainer, but before that I would log the walking and the jogging separately.
  • mmmmm crawfish. I'm so ready for a crawfish boil! .:smile:
  • Count me in too! So how does this work as far as longing our weight loss for the challenge?
  • I must say I love this thread! I'm glad there are other people out there that have these moments. I've ate 2 loaves of the bread at Macaroni Grill by myself and still managed to finish my entire plate of pasta. I'm a sucker for pasta. I've also eaten an entire bag of totino's pizza rolls in one sitting on numerous…
  • Wow you are doing great. I am on W6D3 and I'm running (jogging) an 11minute mile. I figure the speed will come later after I finish the program. As for the shin splints, I got them really bad in the beginning. I was told to focus on my form and run more heel to toe and not on the ball of my foot. That has really helped and…
  • Hi! I'm on W6D3 of the C25k program and I'm having the same problem with calories. When I log my runs on MFP it says that I'm burning about 250 calories or so, but when I log it on my active trainer account through the C25K program it says I'm burning over 400 calories. I'm not really sure which is correct. I tend to go…
  • Tomorrow is W6D3 for me on the C25K plan. The 1st couple of weeks where tough for me. I did all the workouts on time, but they were rough. I had to really pay attention to my running form to keep my ankles and shins from hurting. Be sure to run heel to toe not so much on the ball of your foot. I'm up to running 2 miles now…
  • Hi everyone! I'm 1WK1Day into Phase 1. I've only lost about 3lbs, but I figure it's because I've started running in the past 2 months and I'm building muscle. I can tell my clothes are looser, but not seeing it on the scale is a little depressing. I'm still moving forward though and I just hope that the pounds will soon…
  • I just started the South Beach Diet last week. Personally, I love it! It is really strict during phase 1, but I haven't felt deprived. I actually eat more than I normally would because of the snacks. The recipes are really easy to follow and I've even been able to eat out a couple times without breaking the diet. If you…
  • That's great! I'm on W6D2 of the C25K and I can't wait to get up to 3 miles. Running is definitely a confidence boost and it's so exciting when you go further than you thought you could. Congrats!!
  • I'm not sure about burning in your knees that doesn't sound good. My thighs and calves are burning, but that's my muscles not my joints. If it feels like your joints are fire then you might be landing to hard in some of the jumps. You have to really be sure to absorb the shock by bending when you land so it doesn't hurt…
  • What should I put under my exercise tracker that would come close to an Insanity workout? I've been putting down aerobic exercise, but I'm not sure if that is right.
  • Hi, I just started Insanity on 5/2/11 and I'm glad to see other people have started around the same time. Within the first 10 minutes of starting the workouts I get the "OMG I CAN'T DO THIS" feeling, but I just push through and get it done. I can already tell my leg muscles are starting to become more defined again and…