

  • I had my first Mirena IUD put in in 2009...I didnt really pay attention to weight gain since i always have problems with my weight. In 2010 i got on WW's and was able to drop about 57lbs with the Mirena in. Unfortunately i gained most of that weight back by falling back into my old eating patterns.. Got back on WW's…
  • I've done low carb in the past and had great success with it until i kept regaining the weight back after going back to normal eating...the last time i tried low carb i didn't lose a pound... I've been on MFP for almost 2 months and I'm just limiting everything I eat, Calories, Fat, Carbs, Sugar, sodium & Protein and I'm…
  • There is no magic cream, machine, pill or belt that can get rid of a tummy... only diet and exercise ..and if that still doesnt work then a real tummy tuck LOL I've never had a completely flat tummy regardless of how thin I've been...