Paula_h65 Member


  • I was a vegetarian for most of my adult life, I didn't eat even fish or chicken... I wasn't a good healthy vegetarian either:( I just felt it was a moral obligation to not eat it... Long story short, I eat cruelty free meats as often as possible that way I don't feel guilty about it. The moral obligation is to keep myself…
  • pull out an iphone and record her, show manager!
  • I sweat a lot!!! I workout before work and sometimes I see women who worked out... and are able to get dressed for work without washing their hair! wth, i usually look like a drowned rat, and have to wash it so that I'm not totally disgusting! I don't understand... I like the sweat though, it makes me feel like I did…
  • Yes, you should have a rest day every week. Your legs are the biggest muscles in the body they expend a considerable amount of energy, so it is good that you are out riding your bike and using them. However, your body needs time to heal! Yes, the idea of doing upper body is a wonderful idea. Remember, your entire body…
  • I just enter my recipes in on under my recipes as accurately as possible and it calculates for me:happy:
  • :smile: That depends. how far did you push it?