women getting a sweat on at the gym



  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    I think that if I'm not sweating bullets with a red face by the end of my workout, I didn't work hard enough. With that said, I ALWAYS sweat through my shirts, and drip sweat when doing cardio and weight lifting.
  • 1213shell
    1213shell Posts: 37 Member
    I SWEAT and get red-face...a towel is a must have for me.
  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member
    Well thats reassuring haha, cheers ladies :p there is nothin more annoying than seein someone with a face plastered with nakeup and perfect hair at the gym! Not what you should be,there for

    Well, I'm the annoying one...I don't sweat a lot when I work out even when I push myself and if I go to the gym after work I have my make-up and hair done.
  • Yeah, I definitely sweat like 100x more than the other girls I see at the gym. I used to feel self-conscious about it, like there was something wrong with my body, but then I realized I was there to actually work out and not look cute then complain guys "were staring." Now I feel like if I don't sweat I didn't work my body hard enough. Sweat power! Lol
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    If its cool in the gym or the AC is on I won't sweat a lot. Sometimes the clothes I'm wearing make a difference too.
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    I am SO sweaty by the time I leave the gym. I know my weight is a factor, but even at my thinnest & fittest [about 180lbs when I was 20], I would sweat a lot. I wear light clothes at the gym, shorts and thin strappy tanks, but still, I leave covered in sweat. I really like seeing it on my arms and shoulders, though! Makes me feel like I'm working super hard! :)
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    I heard (don't jump on me) that you sweat more the fitter you are. When you are unfit you won't sweat as much.

    I heard!

    I sweat waaay more now that I'm fitter. My shins drip sweat and they never have before. Even when I'm not working out, I sweat if I get the least bit hot :frown:
  • Paula_h65
    Paula_h65 Posts: 6 Member
    I sweat a lot!!! I workout before work and sometimes I see women who worked out... and are able to get dressed for work without washing their hair! wth, i usually look like a drowned rat, and have to wash it so that I'm not totally disgusting! I don't understand... I like the sweat though, it makes me feel like I did something good:)
  • fairc3jam
    fairc3jam Posts: 136 Member
    I've heard that as your body becomes more efficient, you sweat more. I believe that because I've personally found it to be true. When I started working out a year ago, I didn't sweat very much. Now it pours down my body and I'm completely soaked by the time I'm done. :)

    This is me too! Either I'm working harder or I'm more fit...perhaps both. As others stated, sweat is worn with pride!
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    I am completely soaked by the end of my workouts (every time!). I just take a towel and don't even let it bother me anymore. I know I put in a hard workout and now so does everybody else. Plus because my clothes are so wet, I have to do a load of laundry as soon as I get home so that means I get some housework done because of it!
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    Well thats reassuring haha, cheers ladies :p there is nothin more annoying than seein someone with a face plastered with nakeup and perfect hair at the gym! Not what you should be,there for

    Well, I'm the annoying one...I don't sweat a lot when I work out even when I push myself and if I go to the gym after work I have my make-up and hair done.

    I usually have make-up on too cause I'm coming from work.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    You sweat more as you get healthier. It's a very good thing too. There are some people that have medical issues that don't really sweat much but I would say most of the women that you see just aren't working hard enough!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I heard (don't jump on me) that you sweat more the fitter you are. When you are unfit you won't sweat as much.

    I heard!

    Idk about that because I sweat like a pig and I am not fit at all. In fact, I'm a ***** in the weight section. But I push myself and do what I can so I guess that counts

    I grunt too

    I'm just all around kind of gross lol
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Women who sweat are gross.


    I bet they even fart and poop.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I am SOAKED when I leave the gym.

    I like it that way. Sweat is fat crying. :)
  • monica2434
    monica2434 Posts: 88 Member
    Me too...........I'm usually drenched; can't make it without my towel.......he's my workout buddy. I don't know why, but I've also perspired A LOT when engaing in any activity.
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    Sweat more as you get healthier. I haven't heard that one before.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I think there really is a body chemistry thing. All my life, I have been an unsweaty person. I played soccer for 6 years, softball for 5 years, basketball for 4 years, tennis for 1 year, did foil fencing for 2 years, did trail running, and did yoga for maybe 10 years off and on. And I walked or biked everywhere as my sole means of transit. I also spent at least 7 years having gym memberships (I don't have one right now though). I could be working really hard and still I never would sweat, or if I did, it would be like, the tiniest amount. My post-workout shower was basically ceremonial or to remove mud from my legs. And I am NOT a makeup-in-the-gym type of person, I'm like really into being able to lift heavier than the guy who just used the machine before I did, run faster than the person next to me on the treadmill, super competitive type.

    Then, while I was pregnant with my first baby, I spontaneously started sweating like C-R-A-Z-Y, and it never stopped (although it did get less than it was the first month it happened), and now I always sweat when I work out, even if I'm barely working.

    What's up with that! I like the sweating better, actually, because it helps cool me when I'm running, and I feel somehow more gratified that I did a "real" workout.
  • beachplumkat
    beachplumkat Posts: 3 Member
    At my wonderful stage of life, I can suddenly break into a drenching sweat when I sitting doing nothing, but yeah, I definitely sweat when I'm exercising. You can look at the floor around the elliptical when I'm done and it looks like it's been raining.

    And LL (above) -- I can still remember my father coming out with "Horses sweat, men perspire, and ladies glow". Well, by the time I'm done in the gym I'm "glowing" like a nuclear meltdown!
  • foreversunshine1
    foreversunshine1 Posts: 46 Member
    My exercise motto::: Run like there's nowhere to hide....

    No such thing as good makeup or good hair when there is a workout involved! I sweat A LOT!!! Who cares! I'm proud, it shows that I worked hard! ;-)