People often scoff at my reason for being overweight, but it's a true story- I mostly under eat. I'm terrible at knowing when I'm hungry, or planning meals ahead, or even having enough money for food. I can go a whole day without touching food, then get to the very end of a hard day, feel faint, and binge. It's really bad…
Amazing! I'm a similar start weight with a similar goal, so inspiring to see someone achieve it (and in such a small timescale!) Well done!
Just as an update... I got the job! I put a lot of it down to confidence :)
Yes, I'm on about 1100- but I am a rather short female. For taller females and for guys I would not advise it!
I didn't want to stop snacking because I find that hard, so I have 3 meals of between 200-300 calories, then snack to reach 1200. Typically, thats: Breakfast: Porridge without milk, some fruit, some maple syrup. Lunch: Something with carbs, usually a small ham sandwich or some pasta/rice/couscous, a portion of fruit.…
Endomorph. Strong but weight does not change easily! Also a very exaggerated hourglass, which is good for looks but bad for my back! (all weight goes to my bum and boobs, puts a LOT of strain on my fairly small waist!)
I'm currently unemployed... I feel the trick is preparation. Don't go to the supermarket, try out local markets and see what you can get. Make a basic mix of vegetables with onion and tomato, and put it in the fridge. Spice it differently every day! One day it can be pasta sauce, one day a curry, one day a ratatouille!…
I think the problem is mostly with the the fact it's so moreish- it's easy to get through a whole pizza if you're not careful! But anything can be okay if it's in moderation!
Really nice cheddar cheese. I really don't miss it in most other circumstances. Dairy-free alternatives are much better than when I was a kid!
Instant porridge oats! Very annoying!