

  • i know everyone says it, and trust me i didnt believe them either .. but you wont notice massive changes immediately. i did my healthy kick for a few weeks and barely lost anything and i wondered why i bothered. then a week later i lost 6 pounds. i think your body goes into shock or something when you start working out…
  • ive found i can always eat healthier at work when i have planned my lunch and ready made it the night before. one thing i have learnt from my time on MFP is that i snack way too much so im making a concentrated effort to always have a bottle of water next to me and something interesting to read and those so called 'hunger…
  • ive programmed my MFP to only ever allow me a net of 1000 calories a day. so obviously i eat back my exercise calories but never exceed 1000 net. so if i want to eat a normal days-worth of food, i HAVE to exercise. keeps me motivated, otherwise its raw veggies for dinner. :)
  • i thought roller derbys were an american thing? do they have them in england too?
  • i log my body combat class under 'martial arts'.
  • im aiming to lose 100lbs. add me, could use the support. x
  • quite often its about what you are eating and the portion sizes. cutting carbs after lunch is a good idea. cutting sodas and fizzy drinks. cutting naughty snacks and replacing them with fruit and veggies is another. exercise 5 times a week for 30mins should give you a boost also. dont be depressed, focus on what you want…
    in Depressed Comment by jessiecrow May 2011