

  • Hi Tom. I'm doing low bar squats. Is it still too low? I've been experimenting with bar placement for a while, and I actually think I found the "shelf" on my back.
  • I posted a video here a few weeks ago, took some advice, and worked a bit on my descent/tightness. Is there anything else I need to work on? 90x5 Aaaand deadlifts.. HALP ???? 115x5 Appreciate any help! PS sorry about the lighting
  • Thank you sooo much! I noticed too that my hips come up way earlier than my shoulders, will work on that. The bar was definitely low after I watched that video, that's probably why my wrist is hurting a bit :( I'll try to find that shelf on my next workout. Will also keep this weight and get a different angle. Thanks again…
  • Hi everyone. I 'm new to weightlifting and I would love some critiques on my squat form. This is only my 2nd week doing stronglifts 5x5 and I just wanna know if my form is right so I can progress properly :smile: I did low bar squats @ 65lb (baby weight :laugh:) and this was my last set. Idek what happened on the last rep,…
  • Thank you! I'll make sure I keep my tightness when going down :) I'd really like to keep doing low-bar, do you have any tips I could use to make my form look like low-bar? Haha thank you, I didn't mean to match my shirt and shoes, but they did :laugh:
  • Hi everyone! I have been doing stronglifts for 2 weeks now and I'd really love some feedback and critique on my squat form. Am I leaning forward too much? Don't mind the baby weights, I'm fairly new to lifting weights! :) I did low bar squats @65lb