tedrapaige Member


  • I'm glad to hear that it does help. I probably wouldn't revise if it werent for the reflux, but it's just so ugh. Has anyone (or anyone know of anyone) that's had a bad revision experience?
  • Thanks for sharing this with me. I have developed quite severe acid reflux from my sleeve, plus my weight loss has been incredibly slow. So my surgeon has asked me to think about a revision to get rid of the reflux .
  • The sleeve has given me very bad acid reflux. So my surgeon has asked me to think about a second procedure (a:bypass b:mini bypass c:deudenal switch) to get rid of the issue. Just seeing if anyone else has had the experience and what their thoughts are on it.
  • I think your response is completely normal, so don't worry! Just try to remind yourself of what you had the surgery to achieve and the fact that it's a tool, not magic. You're doing splendidly! Try not to let the little slip ups get you down. You can always pick yourself back up again. I find that staying busy (through…
  • Don't feel silly - it's a big deal. And something that you want to think long and hard about because it has to be achievable. Otherwise, you're going to be going around in circles forever and never feel a sense of accomplishment. My surgeon suggested that I should think about how much I weighed around when I started…
  • This is all very helpful, thank you!
  • Workouts are 2-3 times per week in the gym, a mixture of HIIT cardio, weight training, kettlebell training, bodyweight exercises, and yoga. I walk a minimum of 3 miles a day as part of my commute to work. Somedays I walk the entire 10 mile round trip! I definitely wasn't doing more moving while in the States. It was less.…
  • Just for clarification, I'm now 9 months post op. I eat 800 calories a day (or 1000 on workout days), consisting of lean meat, low fat dairy, vegetables, and occasional complex carbohydrates (1-2x per week). I rarely eat fruit. I never drink fruit juices or sugary beverages. I drink a minimum of 2.5L of water a day. I have…
  • This is all really great advice. I emailed my dietician and got her to agree that maybe I'm not eating enough, so I've increased my intake to 1000 over 4 meals a day. Seems to be working! Still struggling to get enough water, but one thing at a time. You guys are fab :)
  • I'm only weighing once a week to keep myself from getting too crazy. Maybe I should cut it down to once a month as suggested. My husband seems to think I'm not eating enough and has encouraged me to up my calorie intake...but my poor little sleeve isn't giving up any extra space. I think I got through about 60g of protein…
  • Ok, so....this week I've gained weight. Which is making me crazy. My husband thinks that I'm not eating enough, so I might try a week of 1000 calories a day to see what that does for me...
  • They say "don't worry about it". Which leaves me a bit deflated.
  • Just out of curiosity...how many calories a day do you all get through? I don't know if I'm eating too much or too little...
  • It's really helpful to hear from all of you, showing that every journey is different and everyone gets hung up every once in a while. I still haven't lost any since I posted three weeks ago....but....just keeping on and trying to remind myself not to panic. I haven't noticed any inch changes, either. Everything fits the…
  • This is all really great and helpful. Thanks so much! I've always been telling myself to only weigh myself once a week, but that darn scale is there....staring at me. All the time. I've got it down to once a day or even once every two days. Based on this, I should probably stay away from it for quite some time, relax, get…
  • Ohh, that'll be easy. Just keep at it. It might help to put a timer on to help you remember to drink? I got an app called Bariatric Timer that might be helpful.
  • Welcome! Best of luck for your op! How are you getting along with your pre-op diet (if you're doing one)?
  • Thanks, guys. I was starting to panic that I was doing something wrong. I mean, how can I be doing it wrong?! Haha.
  • I'm going in on 11 November. So nervous!