

  • :explode: NO BROWNIE PORN!!! FYI : I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE :love: Brownies, lol
  • Hey! With my fitness pal, we are supposed to aim for a daily caloric intake that will allow us to safely lose weight. When we exercise, that's an additional calorie deficit, so we are supposed to EAT those calories back to keep us from consuming too little. So if your daily caloric goal is 1500 (based on your current…
  • Sent! You look great!
  • You're not alone with this. In fact, there are quite a few people who are in the same boat, myself included. I'd love to be a friend and help you anyway I can :happy:
  • Don't go by just the scale. NEVER go solely by that. What about your non-scale victories? How are your clothes fitting? Are you able to move around easier? Are your workouts getting easier?
  • With it being your wedding day, I completely understand. I wish I knew then what I know now! I would've been a smoking hot bride, lol. But you ladies have plenty of time to reach your goals :smile: If you would like someone to help cheer you on, and coach you for FREE, let me know. I'd love to help!
  • Oh please add me! I'm Dawn, aka drmwmn and love to help others with their fitness goals. I am also a Beachbody coach, so if anyone needs FREE coaching, encouragement, or someone to talk to, I'm here for ya! If you want more info on P90X, TurboFire, or other fitness programs, I can help with that too! Be proud! You have…