

  • Yes. I do that quite often, actually. Haha. Would you slap your mother in the face for a million dollars?
  • Well, I'm seeing my family who I haven't seen in years on Thanksgiving, so my goal is to lose 4 more lbs by that time!! I can't wait for them to see me!
  • This year? Halloween and Thanksgiving are a tie. On Halloween, I'm seeing my friends and we're going out and then having a horror movie marathon, so that'll be fun. Also, all fall season, I'm very festive. I buy pumpkins, pumpkin candles, go to festivals, walk around Salem. Fall is just a really fun time for me.…
  • I feel like healthy people are taken more seriously than those who are not. Also, I want to feel good about myself. Back when I used to eat bad food all the time, I felt bad all the time. Eating healthy and being active puts me in a better mood and makes me truly feel better. And having the weight come off, and being…
  • Hi, Litchfield! Was going to reply back to your message soon! It's very nice to have a friend from the UK :) I still log on my cheat day. By cheat day, I mostly mean a day where you allow yourself to have a meal that you normally wouldn't be able to eat every day, or else you'd gain weight.
  • I should rephrase this. I too make it a cheat meal lol. Not a day.
  • I've lost 42 lbs in the past 4 months and I don't really notice either! I guess it's because I see myself every day. But my friends tell me I look like a completely different person and my clothes are baggy and falling off, and the before picture definitely puts it into perspective for me.
  • Eat a lot of foods with protein in them. Fish, chicken, eggs, etc. Also fruits and are your BEST friend! If you're craving a sugary dessert like chocolate cake or ice cream or whatever, having a cup or two of fruit will satisfy that sugar craving. Do a lot of exercise. I do 90 minutes of cardio every day. You don't need to…