

  • my 3rd day Shoulder and arms .. Still cant do my ABripperX after my workout, hopefully tonight. 1 week of MFP but still not weighing myself I dont want to be disappointed. But I feel great more energy... thanks...
  • did My Plyometric today... what kind of exercise can I put in my log aerobics?
  • Today is my Plyo day hope I can finish it until the end..... 2nd day of 90days
  • Did my 1st day of Chest and back today but unable to do the abripperX no time hopefully tonight I can do it.... I'LL do the classic program....
  • I will start my workout today for p90x lean, but the thing is I cant finish my whole workout because I can only do my workout on my 1 hour break. So I need to stop by 45minutes then cool down. After work need to take care of my 6 months baby and if she sleep early and I still have energy I will do by ABripper X... I hope…
  • Thanks for the reply and advice...
  • Thanks may be if this not workout I will try that. I dont have an hour to workout for the p90x...
  • I just got it today and will try if for a month.. then if its not that good I will just send it back and try another program from Beachbody. But at the Infomercial its very convincing heheheh well may be thats why they call it infomercial...