I am experiencing the same thing, accept I am a waknee, not a runner. I have irregular periods and hope it's hormonal. Otherwise, you are doing everything right, so who knows. If you get any new information lmk. It seems like it happens.
"]You have been eating too much" I have been eating the same, but there must have been some kind of shift. However, I don't eat 5,500 calories per day, which is needed for that gain. I eat 1200-1800. this week I have been increasing my water intake and reduced calories, but no response.
Oh, I am female.
More details: I track everything I eat and my sodium tends to be in normal range. I lost 30 pounds about 3 years ago. I have PCOS, and I am irregular with periods. I tend to eat 12-1800 calories per day depending on day and inactivity. This week I cut to 1000-1200. I walk about 3 miles per day and dance. I did go to a…