

  • thanks for the advise (: because my parents have been dieting too i find that doing those things has been easier (: lately i dont even eat white breads anymore thanks to them haha and as for.fitness.i do zumba dance, track, and marching band which maybe are not theee most active things but require more effort than one…
  • awesome job !!! ispiration to everyone.here (:
  • if you have a zumba program near you, you.should definitely check it out ! its not necessarily a fast workoit but you sure do get your burn on if you do it right ! (:
  • hello everyone! hope you dont mind someone a bit younger joining in on this. I am almost 17 years old and about to start my junior year of highschool. I am about 5"7.5' and weigh around 170lbs. For about a year now I have been bacck and forth in my weight. I have been 157 although my goal has always been to be 140 or less.…