

  • Hi I have been doing this for 3 weeks and lost 8lbs already. it is a rgeat site with plenty of good information and a good place to see other likeminded people who have the same positive goal -- to get something back for themselves. Add me as a friend if you like.
    in HI :-) Comment by draytontf9 May 2011
  • Hi This is great, friend me if you wish I try and log in most days and have only been on here for the last 3 weeks, but I find its a great site.
  • Hi Dont think of it as a diet think of it as a new life style with good eating habits, it is a great way, I ahve been doing this for 3 weeks now and lost 8lbs so if I can do it so can you. well done!.
  • Hi what fantastic work your doing with your weight, My name is Sharon I have a partner of 20 years I am 43 and new to the site also, I am a sort of workaholic and due to long hours find it difficult to find time to exercise well that has been the recent excuse so I am hoping with some extra new friends and encouragement…
    in New here Comment by draytontf9 May 2011