

  • I am tracking inches as well, i lost 2 off my waist and 1 off my hips and my pouch is almost gone. But i feel it's going too fast so it won't last.
  • So this is normal? I don't plan on changing my mood everytime the number changes,i just want to know if my current plan is working. I'm not counting calories at the moment,just eating different foods\a little less and exercising alot. I just want to know if this right for me or i should start something else.
  • It's my roommate's and she swears it's the best one around.
  • A couple years ago i stopped eating junk food for health reasons,it sounds hard but once you get in to it- it's pretty easy. I would suggest you go 'cold turkey' at first and keep at it for a month or two,after that you can start figuring out what you can moderate. From my experience you will feel much better without…
  • I'm a E,I usually wear a regular bra and on top of that i wear a smaller size sports bra,like a C or D,i find that is the most supportive.
  • That's the estimate. Of course i do have a extra piece of cake or a few drinks once in awhile but i calculated what i eat in a week and that is what i came up with. I eat pretty healthy: whole grains,almost no sweets,no sodas\juices,no junk food etc
  • Thank you all,i really appreciate your input! Sorry,i forgot to mention i calculate my TDEE without the exercise since i don't know if i will have the time to exercise at this rate every week. On a average day i'm not active at all so i don't have much to share ana. I sit in a office for 12 hours a day and by the time i…
  • I'm not eating at a deficit,not now,not ever. 1400 calories for me means eating whatever and whenever i want,always been that way. When i'm hungry i eat,when i want to snack i snack and i'm never hungry with 1400 calories. It never affected my weight before,i was always skinny and fit. But now when i have the extra pounds…
  • Just weighed myself for the second time since i started,2.5 weeks in and i gained 1 lb. I really don't understand how it is possible and i'm really frustrated. I don't think i have a repressed metabolism since i never "repress" myself in any way. So is my only option calorie deficit? If i'm eating 1400 calories on my usual…
  • So i just went over what i usually eat and surprisingly i don't think i eat more than 1400 calories with my regular eating habits. Of course i have a beer or a piece of cake once in a while,but that is basically it. I don't eat junk food/candy etc and i don't drink anything other than water. I can't figure out exactly how…