

  • I can tell that you are a very busy woman to have to eat on the road for lunch (and some dinners). My #1 rule (to myself) "Burger King and McDonald's are not my friends...they are out to sabatoge my weight loss. There is nothing on their menu that is healthy for me. I will never allow myself the 'convenience' of going…
  • Congratulations! I've been where you are at. It was hard to find the time to exercise let alone do anything else for myself. Taking a bath was a luxury for me after having a baby (especially when it is your second or third). After I was able to finally sleep at least 6 hours at night, I was slowly able to gain more energy.…
  • So inspiring! Great job! My weight is coming off so S-L-O-W. I printed off my Food Diary and took it into my doctor last week and he seemed to like what I have been doing. He told me "This isn't a diet. This is the way you should eat the rest of your life." I agree. I feel lighter and healthier. But......it is taking all…
  • Oops, hit the return key - I wan't finished. Having said all that (my love for ice-cream) I must confess I feel for ice-cream the way an alcoholic feels about his/her next drink. It is addictive; I want it; and I think about it all the time. I can't have just a little and be satisfied. I tried to justified that Weight…
  • I LOVE ice-cream! I have found a flavor I didn't like or a brand I had not bought. I think I would have been happy working in an ice-cream place where they had me sample all the ice-cream and give them a report of my findings - ALL EXCELLENT!
  • Love tea! The trick to not making your tea bitter is not to over steep it. Bring filtered water to almost a boil state (but not full boil). Put tea bag in cup and pour hot water over it. Cover w/saucer and steep for 10 minutes. Remove tea bag and enjoy! I have about 15 different teas in my cupboard. My favoirte brand is…
  • Wonder why, when we are driving our cars, that our windshield is so large compared to our rearview mirror? It is because we are to focus on what is ahead of us and only occassionally look in our rearview mirror, to those things that are behind us. Dennis, you are looking too long and too deep into your rearview mirror and…