Help. Be kind though.



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I started going through your diary and though you said you weigh things, I was still seeing mostly measurements (and wonder if you are going more with measurements in your recipes versus weighing them out), as well as slices (for example) of things like bacon or solitary items like wings (i.e 4 wings versus the weight of the wings) or 1/8 pie instead of the actual grams.

    I really suggest weighing everything out.

  • To the OP, the last plateau I had, I just switched something up. It's almost like it confused my metabolism into 'working' again. I am fastidious about logging and I completely understand how you get some of your fractions, lol so it may not be your logging. I found certain foods/exercises I really enjoyed and stuck with them but I would plateau so I would just change something drastically for one day. I've managed to lose 104 lbs as of today and the trend has been downwards the whole time. I measure and log the same way you do. If you'd like to friend me, my diary is open to friends (I don't make mine public), so feel free.
  • MirrorMe33
    MirrorMe33 Posts: 35 Member
    I suffer from PCOS as well, the group on here is a great place to start if you're looking for more specific info.
    My doctor recommended I try the healthpoint 2.0 program, which I did at the beginning of the year and it worked wonders. I had been stuck on a plateau for a while and it got me through that barrier quite easily. Something else that was recommended is a low GI diet, so swapping high GI foods for a low GI versions where you can.
  • Rebel_Stout
    Rebel_Stout Posts: 10 Member
    When was your last of the rails feast? Our metabolism is brutal when it down throttles. If you have not done so in a while it might be time for a blowout. Just get back on track the very next day.

    What is rails feast?
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey. I don't know about the medical stuff, but how I lost my 65 pounds {240 in August 2013 to 175 in June of 2014} was with stir-fry veggies, mixed veggies, green beans, etc, etc. Even if you didn't lose another pound, you would feel so much better if you never ate McDonald's again. I've also gave up milk, but do eat a lot of Greek yogurt. And as far as MFP calorie burn estimates, I do 120% of the exercise I log. That is doing 6 minutes of exercise and logging 5. Now that I'm on maintenance, I have found that to work better for me. When I was losing I always was a good deal below my goals. I can't do that now without losing when I don't want to.

    About this time last year I was having trouble getting below 200 pounds. I just rolled with it a couple of three weeks, and in the New Year I started losing again. Remember you have the rest of your life. To me learning to cook and eat healthy was more important than the numbers on the scale. You do the one, the other will follow.

    Good luck to you,

  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    edited December 2014
  • I will assume you are logging and measuring your food correctly, so hopefully that's not the problem. Some things I am thinking might help after going through my own plateau:
    1- If you are not starving, reduce 100 calories for a couple of weeks and let's see how it goes.
    2- However.....I don't think reducing calories is always the option...I got off my plateau by increasing calories. But that only works if you are working out at your hardest, and maybe you metabolism increases and your body just doesn't react well to your usual daily calories.
    Again, only do that if you think your body needs more, but don't use it as an excuse to just go crazy.
    3- Change your workouts. Switch to a different machine, start running, increase the intensity, etc. Anything that will make your body go "what is happening?!??!!?"
    Hope this helps!
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Your entries don't look accurate at all. Get a food scale and start weighing everything, in grams, whenever possible.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    Hey. I don't know about the medical stuff, but how I lost my 65 pounds {240 in August 2013 to 175 in June of 2014} was with stir-fry veggies, mixed veggies, green beans, etc, etc. Even if you didn't lose another pound, you would feel so much better if you never ate McDonald's again. I've also gave up milk, but do eat a lot of Greek yogurt. And as far as MFP calorie burn estimates, I do 120% of the exercise I log. That is doing 6 minutes of exercise and logging 5. Now that I'm on maintenance, I have found that to work better for me. When I was losing I always was a good deal below my goals. I can't do that now without losing when I don't want to.

    About this time last year I was having trouble getting below 200 pounds. I just rolled with it a couple of three weeks, and in the New Year I started losing again. Remember you have the rest of your life. To me learning to cook and eat healthy was more important than the numbers on the scale. You do the one, the other will follow.

    Good luck to you,


    This! Just wanted to say, "great post Larro" and congratulations on your loss and maintenance.

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    When was your last of the rails feast? Our metabolism is brutal when it down throttles. If you have not done so in a while it might be time for a blowout. Just get back on track the very next day.

    What is rails feast?
    I think they meant "off the rails" feast. Like a huge pig out.

    Many people report that when they plateau for a while, they pig out for a day or two and then can start losing again.

    But maybe they meant something else. :)
  • I can tell that you are a very busy woman to have to eat on the road for lunch (and some dinners). My #1 rule (to myself) "Burger King and McDonald's are not my friends...they are out to sabatoge my weight loss. There is nothing on their menu that is healthy for me. I will never allow myself the 'convenience' of going through a fast food drive-thru ever again." But that is me. That being said, I have to plan ahead what I am going to take to work to eat. Lately, I LOVE garlic & red pepper hummus on Carr's salt & pepper crackers (allowing myself 2 large crackers) - 160 calories total w/hummus. Also for lunch: Greek yogurt - 80 calories, cheese stick - 50 calories, and often an apple or Walmart's 100 calorie packet of chocolate almonds; a hot cup of Yogi tea and I am good till dinner time.

    Today I went in to see my doctor for a weigh in. I have consistently and steadily been losing 1-1/2 pounds to 2 pounds a week. As of today - 40 pounds gone - yeah! But my doctor did warn me that I will probably soon plateau and not to get discourage. He suggested when I do plateau and my weight stays the same for several weeks to change up my exercise routine. Perhaps you may want to try that.

    I, too, take synthroid and supplements. I never thought of listing them in my food diary. Is there a reason why you do? I read where someone suggested getting off of milk - I agree; I would try Almond or Coconut milk (healthier).

    Good luck! :)
  • Rebel_Stout
    Rebel_Stout Posts: 10 Member
    15ryth99, congrats on your loss. Thanks for the advice. I list the synthroid and supplements as part of the "if it passes my lips, it's on the list" - line of thought. I've been trying to plan better in the morning for my foods, but I'm usually more concerned with my kids and their needs. Thanks for the alternate ideas. the almonds sound good and I'll give the almond milk a try.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    15ruth99 wrote: »
    I can tell that you are a very busy woman to have to eat on the road for lunch (and some dinners). My #1 rule (to myself) "Burger King and McDonald's are not my friends...they are out to sabatoge my weight loss. There is nothing on their menu that is healthy for me. I will never allow myself the 'convenience' of going through a fast food drive-thru ever again." But that is me. That being said, I have to plan ahead what I am going to take to work to eat. Lately, I LOVE garlic & red pepper hummus on Carr's salt & pepper crackers (allowing myself 2 large crackers) - 160 calories total w/hummus. Also for lunch: Greek yogurt - 80 calories, cheese stick - 50 calories, and often an apple or Walmart's 100 calorie packet of chocolate almonds; a hot cup of Yogi tea and I am good till dinner time.

    Today I went in to see my doctor for a weigh in. I have consistently and steadily been losing 1-1/2 pounds to 2 pounds a week. As of today - 40 pounds gone - yeah! But my doctor did warn me that I will probably soon plateau and not to get discourage. He suggested when I do plateau and my weight stays the same for several weeks to change up my exercise routine. Perhaps you may want to try that.

    I, too, take synthroid and supplements. I never thought of listing them in my food diary. Is there a reason why you do? I read where someone suggested getting off of milk - I agree; I would try Almond or Coconut milk (healthier).

    Good luck! :)

    This is all wrong information. Smh
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Ninkyou wrote: »
    To be honest, I think it's eating more than you think. I went back 6 weeks, and there's definitely questionable entries. I agree you eat out alot, but heck, so do I, so I'm not one to judge. But with eating out you have to be aware that the margin of error is going to be larger when you eat out, plus the extra sodium that goes with it. BUT, having said that, your dinner entries still seem really off to me. Some of your snacks too (like oil popped popcorn, with a 'pat' of butter).

    Examples of what I find questionable:
    Fazolis - Original Submarino, 0.67 Sandwich ... how do eat .67 of a sandwich?
    Baked Potato - From Nutritiondata.Com, 100 grams .. how was the potato baked? Was it 100g before baking or after baking?
    Campbell's - One-Dish Beef Stroganoff, 0.25 receipe ... was this YOUR recipe? Did you measure/weigh out all of the ingredients for it? And you only ate a quarter of it?
    Home - Baked Stuffed Boneless Pork Chop, 1 each ... how much did the pork chop weigh? What was it stuffed with?

    I would really buckle down on the accuracy of your logging. Don't use size entries or generic entries (unless they're confirmed or they're the only option). Look for entries without the * and enter them with the weights in grams.


    The stuffed pork chop was one I noticed right away... 174 calories? my recipe for a stuffed pork chop is around 570 calories.
    3/4 cup of grilled potato packets?
    Butter - Salted, 1.5 pat (1" sq, 1/3" high) 54 calories??
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    OP you are eating more than you think you are eating. /thread.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    15ruth99 wrote: »
    I can tell that you are a very busy woman to have to eat on the road for lunch (and some dinners). My #1 rule (to myself) "Burger King and McDonald's are not my friends...they are out to sabatoge my weight loss. There is nothing on their menu that is healthy for me. I will never allow myself the 'convenience' of going through a fast food drive-thru ever again." But that is me. That being said, I have to plan ahead what I am going to take to work to eat. Lately, I LOVE garlic & red pepper hummus on Carr's salt & pepper crackers (allowing myself 2 large crackers) - 160 calories total w/hummus. Also for lunch: Greek yogurt - 80 calories, cheese stick - 50 calories, and often an apple or Walmart's 100 calorie packet of chocolate almonds; a hot cup of Yogi tea and I am good till dinner time.

    Today I went in to see my doctor for a weigh in. I have consistently and steadily been losing 1-1/2 pounds to 2 pounds a week. As of today - 40 pounds gone - yeah! But my doctor did warn me that I will probably soon plateau and not to get discourage. He suggested when I do plateau and my weight stays the same for several weeks to change up my exercise routine. Perhaps you may want to try that.

    I, too, take synthroid and supplements. I never thought of listing them in my food diary. Is there a reason why you do? I read where someone suggested getting off of milk - I agree; I would try Almond or Coconut milk (healthier).

    Good luck! :)

    This is all wrong information. Smh

    But it does make me want to go get a McDonald's breakfast
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    15ruth99 wrote: »
    I can tell that you are a very busy woman to have to eat on the road for lunch (and some dinners). My #1 rule (to myself) "Burger King and McDonald's are not my friends...they are out to sabatoge my weight loss. There is nothing on their menu that is healthy for me. I will never allow myself the 'convenience' of going through a fast food drive-thru ever again." But that is me. That being said, I have to plan ahead what I am going to take to work to eat. Lately, I LOVE garlic & red pepper hummus on Carr's salt & pepper crackers (allowing myself 2 large crackers) - 160 calories total w/hummus. Also for lunch: Greek yogurt - 80 calories, cheese stick - 50 calories, and often an apple or Walmart's 100 calorie packet of chocolate almonds; a hot cup of Yogi tea and I am good till dinner time.

    Today I went in to see my doctor for a weigh in. I have consistently and steadily been losing 1-1/2 pounds to 2 pounds a week. As of today - 40 pounds gone - yeah! But my doctor did warn me that I will probably soon plateau and not to get discourage. He suggested when I do plateau and my weight stays the same for several weeks to change up my exercise routine. Perhaps you may want to try that.

    I, too, take synthroid and supplements. I never thought of listing them in my food diary. Is there a reason why you do? I read where someone suggested getting off of milk - I agree; I would try Almond or Coconut milk (healthier).

    Good luck! :)

    This is all wrong information. Smh

    But it does make me want to go get a McDonald's breakfast

    Damn that sounds good. :p
  • gabrielleelliott90
    gabrielleelliott90 Posts: 854 Member
    Get someone on here to work out how many calories you should be eating for your height, weight, fitness level. And don't eat the calories back. Meaning defo don't do as much exercise.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Get someone on here to work out how many calories you should be eating for your height, weight, fitness level. And don't eat the calories back. Meaning defo don't do as much exercise.

    Or do it yourself. *shrug*
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I don't think 3 hours a week of cardio and one of walking is too much exercise. But if you 'eat back' 1000 calories for a Zumba class or something like that, it's probably a bad idea.

    Your ticker says you've lost 23 lbs.? Were you losing fine and have plateaued just the last six weeks? I'd try lowering your calorie goal (or tightening up your logging, which usually accomplishes the same thing) and maybe use Trendweight or another moving average weight tracker. When your weight loss is slow, it's hard to tell it's even occurring with only crude charts like MFPs.

    Good luck!