karenh311 Member


  • Hi, I have a similar problem with the pain being in the front of my ankle not the sides.went to an osteopath and she said my ankle had slipped forward in the socket i'm guessing due to weak ligaments.It doesn't affect me when walking only when I run which is really annoying because I really want to run for the first time…
  • hi, I'm getting married oct 2015, I tried a couple of dresses on a while back and really didn't like what I saw. I am 100% committed to down sizing and toning up. I so don't want to look like crap on my big day and have hundreds of photo to remind me of it.
  • Hi, you are right a kilo of fat weighs the same as a kilo of muscle. The difference is a kilo of fat has more volume( ie takes up more room) than a kilo of muscle. Hope that helps.