

  • you can do it :)
  • check out my Fitspiration board if you need some motivation/inspiration :)
  • Doing it, but in conjunction with the Jayde Nicole Fitness video. I alternate, so not sure what kind of results I'll get/when I should expect to see results!
  • You're supposed to eat protein before, and then eat something light after. It helps to give your body something to have in it before you go full force into exercise in the morning, and afterward you should refuel.
  • Inspiring :) Girl, let me tell you, I bought an entire bag of Easter candy the day after Easter. I ate some (less than half, but still a good deal) before I was like "screw this, I am going to get back in shape!" After having a crazy year (moved three times, left a long term relationship, etc) I had managed to not only…
  • DON'T do it. I have tried it. First of all, you feel like **** when you're on it (for some odd reason, probably because of all the stuff that's in it that isn't good for you). Secondly, it only cuts out your water weight. To reduce your water weight, just drink more water a day, or, if you really want to, do a…