

  • I used "circuit traning".
  • We're a family of 5 and I hate doing laundry and cleaning the bathrooms. Boys are gross lol!
  • Thanks everyone. No, I've never had a problem with my BP. I did the Shred last year and don't remember being dizzy. I went into hibernation during the winter and just started the Shred again last week. It probably is just getting used to it again. I'll try water with no ice too :wink: I've tried not eating before and it…
  • You can add me too! I just joined a few days ago!
  • I did the Shred last spring and summer. I saw results and only got to level 2 before the fall/winter blue's set in. I started back up TODAY! I'm SO out of shape and gained a larger "muffin-top" over the winter...GROSS. I'm ready to rid the muffin for GOOD! My tips: make sure you have a tall glass of ice water and eat…
  • Thank you everyone! I appreciate the help.
  • Hi! I don't own a scale either. My BMI says I'm in a 'healthy' range. I did a guesstimate on my weight when I sighed up on MFP today. I hope I over estimated :wink: I'm scared to get on a scale but in a way I'd like to know my weight. Have fun on here and good luck!
  • Angela, I just joined today and read this post. I think it's great that you've lost 4 pounds since joining on Friday! WOOHOO, go girl! I've always been skinny too. I have a nasty "muffin-top" kicking though since winter hit. I seem to lose motivation during the winter months. Well congrats again and keep it up!!