jamszy Member


  • Maybe this can give you an idea how far off it may or may not be.
  • I have one too, but mine appears to be working correctly. There's a really good review on Amazon here that convinced me to buy it: http://www.amazon.com/review/R2A68KXT99884W/ref=cm_cr_dp_titleie=UTF8&ASIN=B000FYZMYK&nodeID=3760901&store=hpc Do you have yours set to Athlete or Normal? What times of day are you measuring?
  • 2 weeks without caffeine and aspartame...oh, and slim fit tees from Hot Topic! (They usually run smaller than actual size).
  • I was recently an addict and "depended" on Diet Coke, drinking 7-8 cans daily. It wasn't until over a week ago, when I ran out and decided to go cold turkey. 9 days later, I no longer crave it or feel like I need it when I eat certain foods, or to just get me through the day. The only downside to this is feeling tired…
  • It's all about trying everything out to see what you enjoy! Elliptical seems to be the go-to at my gym. Vary it up every 30 minutes and throw some resistance training in there as well! I
  • I don't see anything wrong with a little dairy, except it may cause some bloat. In terms of weight loss, it hasn't hindered me at all and it's a good source of protein. The high calorie content has encouraged me to switch to skim milk and fat free cottage cheese.
  • This is news to me....
  • Totally! I usually spray a quick burst of PAM in a bowl and use Eggbeaters. Omelet in one minute!
  • I'm a grad and did this on a treadmill at the gym. A few days ago I ran my first 5K in addition to running outside for the first time. I can't believe what I was missing! It was a beautiful morning, and the sound of other runners is really something else!
  • As mentioned, Couch to 5K helps greatly! It's all about building stamina in slow increments. I just completed my first 5K, and I would say pacing yourself is half the battle. It's very easy to start off and sprint with the front runners, but maintaining a comfortably pace all the way through will ensure you finish. Good…
  • Agreed. In terms of weight loss, it's all about calories burned overall. However, the magical Fat Loss Zone is misleading! I've seen a few people limit their workouts to stay in this zone!
  • I didn't see an immediate loss either, but chalked it up to building muscle and retaining water. It will come off, just stay consistent!
  • I'd like to know this as well. I've heard numerous times that a treadmill at 0.0 incline is actually the machine moving you, while a 1.0 incline represents outside factors.
  • "Nikki FM" by Hawthorne Heights. Reliving my emo days...
  • I love music and performing! I play by ear but also read music. All self taught... Piano: 22 years Drums: 15+ years Guitar: 11 years Throw in bass, harmonica, a little accordion, and that pretty much sums it up! I'm a drummer at heart, but would love to play piano for a talented chick singer. My heart melts for female…
  • THIS. I got one of those and no pain after my runs! Squats and lunges as well as hamstring strengthening can help too!
  • I'm a fan of interval training, however endurance is built through long term exercise. Both have a definite place in terms of getting faster. You can't build speed without a higher VO2 Max and Endurance. If you run on the treadmill, try just bumping it up in small increments throughout your run. You'll find that it's not…
  • Treadmill....I know, I'm crazy but I don't run for fun. Yet.
  • I hated running, and couldn't run more than 30 seconds when I first started. I found out about Couch to 5K and that helped greatly! Now I run a couple miles every night or so and feel great! I think if you incorporate some HIIT into a few workouts you'll get results! Good luck to you!
    in Running?? Comment by jamszy August 2012
  • Right here...started above 300 pounds, now I'm 190. Feel free to check out my profile if you're into reading more.
  • I'd hate to be an advocate FOR drinking Diet Coke, however at the end of the day it all comes down to calories. I have not given it up at all because it has not hindered progress. Don't get me wrong, water is a way better choice, but you should be able to have the best of both worlds. Some things to think about: *How hard…
  • Haha, No problem! I had done the same thing and thought, "This isn't too bad". Then I had done a little more reading and needless to say, the next time I was dripping with sweat and felt like passing out! It sounds unhealthy, just stay hydrated!
  • Nothing is off limits, but still abiding by calories!
  • Try HIIT, which is High Intensity Interval Training. You can do it on about any machine like treadmill, elliptical, bike. This has been known to contribute greatly to fat loss. The goal is to push yourself to a high intensity for a short amount of time (:45-1:00) and "rest" (lower intensity) to bring your heart rate down.…
  • I've tried Double Rich Chocolate and Cookies & Cream. The Double Chocolate was better tasting I thought.
  • Absolutely. I plug it anytime someone asks me what my secret is! Really, no secret just calories in<calories out. MFP takes that formula and makes it easier to visualize and manage.
  • I do HIIT pretty religiously on elliptical and the treadmill. Here's a routine for the treadmill on burning fat if you're interested (Featured in Men's Health). (This is all at 1% grade incline. They say 1% usually accounts for outside factors like wind if you were to do this outside.) Warmup: 5 minutes (walking), 5 minute…
  • For Cardio, my go-to albums are Biffy Clyro (Only Revolutions) and Jimmy Eat World (Futures). For Weights, it's a lot heavier stuff - Motley Crue (Saints of Los Angeles album), Foo Fighters (Wasting Light).
  • I have seen people lose weight from elliptical alone, but your progress may slow gradually because your body expects it. You should switch up exercises or add strength training. Doing HIIT on an elliptical is a great way to burn fat.