Thats awesome!! I actually do the same thing and I can stay on so much longer I watch the show Heroes it is great! I also listen to my mp3 player sometimes but I prefer to watch Netflix much more. The only problem I have is I cant walk higher then 3.0 because I also get dizzy.
I am also on my 3rd week of this weightloss journey and it has been super hard for me as well. I love to eat everything that is bad for me and I cant stay motivated to exersise I started a new diet where I eat what the list says for 3 days and then eat what I want for 4. My foods for the 3 days is in my diary for days tues…
Im 26 5ft 4" and 172 lbs Im from Illinois and I am always needing more friends for motivation. I get off track a lot so it would be nice to have somebody to help motivate me to get back on so feel free to add me!
Its really hard to stay on track with all that life throws at you. Sometimes you get off track but being on here helps so much to stay on track. Im always looking for more friends to motivate and that will help motivate me so you can add me if you like!
Hi, Feel free to add me I could always use more friends! Im 26 from Illinois.
Everybody needs a cheat day! Just dont over do it! Work out more then usual that day and get your calories stored up for that gator tail! I have never even heard of fried gator tail so let me know how it goes!
I havent tried her videos but maybe I will. I need something that isnt so repetive and that I can have fun with because I get so bored fast thats why zumba works for me because they change it up all the time the only thing is I have to be in a big room where I cant watch the kids so its hard to get a workout in.
I log in several times a day so you can add me if you would like! I need as many motivational friends as possible because its so hard to stay on track by yourself.
ILLINOIS!!!! Feel free to add me I need more friends to help motivate me!!
Hello, I have a little more weight to lose then you but Im always looking for new friends and motivation. I also have a huge pasta weakness! Carbs are my enemy! You can add me if you like! :wink:
I know exactly how you feel! When I am sick I never feel like doing anything but laying around! I have also set goals lately to work out so many times a week and I havent stuck to them either. My main problem was I get bored with working out. For example I have a treadmill and an eliptical but I get so bored just walking…