

  • You hang in there. As difficult as it is to admit that we are morbidly obese - you are not alone. I am short with a big chest as well and the height of some booth tables are just the right height to hike the sisters up and give my back a break. Just kidding. Glad you wrote.
  • Having just started this last week, food is a nightmare. I try not to think about it but I do anyway. I gave all the bread - gluten products to the chickens to eat because I know that the toaster would be calling my name at all hours of the day and night wanting to warm up some bread. This is a long hard journey and I…
  • Really new here. Question: to see daily threads do I come here or do I add the writer as a friend? (such a beginner)
  • Hello Group, I started MFP a week ago at 257 pds. Would like to lose 50 and then 50 more. Funny how 100 sounds impossible but 50 is manageable. Have always be heavy - and am sick of it both literally and physically. Time for a change. I am hoping that the support I find here and a better outlook on what is ahead of me will…
  • Hello, it is a tough pill to swallow - especially since it is with you forever. But, having said that - knowing many of us have it in one form or another somehow makes it a little less stressful. So much knowledge is out there. I have quit all gluten- flour, potatoes, sugar - and I have to tell you I feel so much better.…
  • Hashimoto's has been my constant companion for 25 years. So glad to have found this group. Love the poem, the first time I read it tears came to my eyes. So many years of being looked at as different - it helped me to balance myself on my "off" days knowing it wasn't about me so much as my "companion". Looking forward to…
  • Go hypothyroid! Have the blessing here as well :frown: Just eat less - well to loose weight I have to eat under 800 calories and exercise. Completely understand your frustration. But I am on track and will lose this weight even if it means 800 calories. Hang in there you are not alone.
  • More than once - "You would be pretty if you lost ___ pds." Good thing I am smart......
  • This is my first week and I filled the fridge with fruits and veggies. Gave the bread to my chickens and since I work at home have been staying put. The cravings are there and when sugar calls I have been eating frozen pineapple cubes. Yum! I don't think I can go to a store just yet. The pounds are starting to come off,…
  • Hi, For those with auto-immune disease Splenda and the like will cause a flare-up. It seems to attack the joints and makes you feel like you have a light flu.
  • Female 58 5.5 249 lbs
  • What a great way to think; "Hey, all! This is day 3 of the rest of my life, and while I'm doing pretty swimmingly " I am going to adopt that as well, if you don't mind! New here as well. Like you mentally I am pumped, but the stomach does complain a bit and I have to eat some carrots...... We will continue - you have my…
  • Hi! I am new as well. At 58 I have dieted all my life, this time I am not dieting I am making a choice to give up the crap that is making me sick. What will be different this time is the logging - and the support of family and new folks of MFP. I completely understand the first day...second day... withdrawals. You hang in…