

  • Me likey your counsel.... The thing to remember is Men marry women hoping the don't change and they usally do... Women marry men hopeing to change them and they seldom do.... If men and women don't relieze that they'll likely bounce around from marrage to marrage until they do.
  • I like to listen to this Heath radio show w/ Ben Fuchs .... He says you should drink as many meals as you can... It's easier on the digestion... He loves smoothies.... here's a link to his show archives, It's called the Bright side... give it a listen you may like it.. I do.…
  • No I'z got no rythym...... I choose to ride bikes .... But I will relate this story to all those guy's who feel like a whoosi dancing with the girls.... When I was in High school I did all the moacho school sports with all the sweaty guy's... One day I was razing my best friend who had desided to be on the cheerleading…