

  • I say go, but go gently. I climbed a big mountain few weekends ago and I was going swimming daily after that to loosen up but it didn't help much. Finally, after 5 days I got on the elliptical and that remedied the issue. I was all better the next day. Oh, and stretch and hold for at least 30 secs on each stretch.
  • Wow! very helpful and positive posts. Thanks. I'm feeling like I can do this now. Great suggestions too. I do check my measurements but not too often (I'm so neurotic about my exercise and diet that I'm trying to not be about the scale and the measurements-but I guess I should check them with some regularity). Also, I do…
  • I've been at this for months (since the beginning of March), and where I wasn't exercising at all, I started biking 6 miles 2-4 times per week, walking (4mph) 2-4 times per week, and reducing my calories to what was recommended by MFP - which was like 1200. After several months of that without much progress (I had only…
  • It seems to me that if "starvation mode" really exists then no one would ever lose weight, and people wouldn't really be starving. People do lose weight and people are definitely starving. I think it's like someone else wrote, the human body is a complex machine. It most definitely does what it has to, to survive. And most…
  • I'm not saying this because I think your cheating on your food diary, but sometimes I would find myself going...well, maybe I ate a half serving of this...when really I was eating closer to full a serving, or even sometimes forgetting I put 3 crackers in my mouth, that my husband was eating, absentmindedly while fixing…
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