I really want to lose weight soon

eluiesita Posts: 31 Member
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all MyFitnessPals,
I am not really new in mfp, I started an account January this year I believe but havent open it that much cause I record my fitness activity in an excel sheet. And just today I managed to browse mfp tools and i found it so great, especially the database, u will have an idea on how much calories, fats, carbs, sugar, protein etc in a food. And it really helps me out cause honestly I am not totally aware of nutrition facts.
Anyway, to introduce myself, I am Eluiesita Pangan mother of a 2y/o daughter with less physical activity cause I work 8-9 hours in an office, 5 days a week. And during weekend we just do malling and strolling, and no sweats coming out from my body. That is why I want to be active at least at mfp to get ideas and experiences from individual users that i may use for my diet program.
I became overweight just this year, after my laparotomy surgery (April 2011), and its really hard to lose weight, I need to lose 30 lbs to reach a healthy weight for my height and age. If any one can suggest a good program for me, it is most appreciated just want to emphasize that I am just nearly 3 months from the surgery date. So if anyone to suggest kindly consider my situation.
Thanks and lets all be healthy with MyFitnessPal :-)


  • farfalledibaciodinotte
    farfalledibaciodinotte Posts: 181 Member
    THEN DO IT... :)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    MFP will work out how many calories you should eat per day and if you stick to this you will lose weight. It won't all come off in a few weeks, that just isn't going to happen no matter what you do. But it will come off in a few months if you stick to it.
    Make sure you eat enough healthy food (lots of fruit and veggies, meat or chicken, whole grain bread, brown rice, yoghurt, almonds, peanut butter are a good place to start) and do some exercise.

    Cutting calories very low (as I commented in your other email, 600 per day is way TOO LOW) will only mess with your metabolism and isn't going to lead to long term health.
  • Rikki444
    Rikki444 Posts: 326 Member
    It will work if YOU work it. Any activity that you do will help you to become a fit person, but you have to keep at it. The question should be not what can you do but how willing are you to stick to a program. I am a BIG fan of workout DVD's. I am a BIG fan of walking/hiking/running outdoors. I am now becoming interested in yoga. Mix it up a little and have fun. Keep ON!
  • eluiesita
    eluiesita Posts: 31 Member
    HI Eluistita.. (is there a short version of that? LOL a Nick name perhaps? :) ) lol

    Ok.. i had to look up that surgery. Um.. I would consult your doctor first. Ask him (or her) about recommended activities as well as intensitiy. Also, ask about nutritional suggestions as 1. I am not sure of why you had the surgery and 2. if you had the surgery for a paticular desease then there may be special considerations.

    Once you do that post back here with what he says in detail.

    Welcome to MFP (least being active!)


    Yes Terry, u can call me Elle for short.. Teehee, I know my name is really complicated. Anyhow, my surgery is Laparotomy (Ovary removal), as per my doctor, she told me not carry heavy loads than 10 kgs and exercise may wait till 3 - 6 months from the surgery. The least exercise I can do she said was, walking, not jogging. With regards to food, stay away from oily foods and little sugar for me body.. cause my sugar is a bit high she said.
  • srenard
    srenard Posts: 6
    I've been at this for months (since the beginning of March), and where I wasn't exercising at all, I started biking 6 miles 2-4 times per week, walking (4mph) 2-4 times per week, and reducing my calories to what was recommended by MFP - which was like 1200. After several months of that without much progress (I had only lost maybe 5 pounds), I joined a gym and have been using the elliptical trainer burining 350 on average 4-5 times per week, and I've added to that swimming for about 1- 1.5 hours 2-3 times per week as well, plus I've started on the treadmill recently as well for a minimum of 20 minutes after the ellipitcal. I've been doing this for the past 2 weeks.

    I stepped on the scale a few days ago and had gained a pound. Today I got on again (just to check) and to my horror had put on yet another pound. I went from couch potato to becoming 100% more active, watching my calories/fat/etc. and really sticking to this...and I GAIN WEIGHT? I don't even see how this is physically possible. The more I exercise and really eat good, the more weight I put on. I don't get it. Can anyone offer some advice? I don't have any disease or illness and as far as I know I'm generally healthy. What gives? This is really discouraging...
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