

  • good luck and congrats for trying to live healthier!
  • Good luck! Most importantly....stick with it! I've been coming and going on here for a month now :)
  • I always need more friends! Feel free to add me...I need all the support I can get too...I also get excited in the morning with my 1200 calories and then by dinner time I'm left with not too many and feel like "what the heck - I'm going to be over anyways" I need to get more active and stop having the cake because it's…
  • Thanks for your post....I'm new on here and have been enjoying it so far. It's like yet another community of people who are trying to be the best they can be. I love being witness to that. You sound tired and discouraged yet from what I read you are having much success and belief in success. Before you know it your little…