I think I need more friends

jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I seem to keep losing my motivation. I'll go strong for a week and then fall right off. Maybe if I find some like minded people I can keep myself on track. It's just so hard when life keeps getting in the way, know what I mean. Please help :smile:


  • minnie22
    minnie22 Posts: 60
    Hi, you can add me if you want & we could help each other, cos I need all the help I can get, got loads to lose before I'm happy about myself, like I said you can add me if you want too.
  • vivapuff
    vivapuff Posts: 4
    I always need more friends! Feel free to add me...I need all the support I can get too...I also get excited in the morning with my 1200 calories and then by dinner time I'm left with not too many and feel like "what the heck - I'm going to be over anyways" I need to get more active and stop having the cake because it's there. Good luck to you!
  • II get off tack too its hard I need to lose weight and then ill be so happy but sweets are my enemy I just had a baby so im trying to get this weight off if you wanna talk im here lol ill be like exercise remember drink water and lose weight we have to look good for ourselves and our significant others
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,309 Member
    My suggestion is to find a challenge group or specialized exercise group here and join in on their thread. Then you will have people you can get to know a bit and be able to be in contact on a regular basis.

    Good luck. We all have times where we fall off....get right back in the game. Practice the habit . . .fake it till you make it.
  • jlove567
    jlove567 Posts: 3
    Hi! I will friend you. I just started and I think some friends will help me stay motivated.
  • Steveeee
    Steveeee Posts: 62
    I definitely know the feeling!
  • february01
    february01 Posts: 14
    just started myself ,but will need all help and support available so add me if you want , we can complete this journey together :smile:
  • february01
    february01 Posts: 14
    just started myself ,but will need all help and support available so add me if you want , we can complete this journey together :smile:
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    The other thing is to find friends on here that will support you such as giving motivation.... since I dont like the ones who dont write on my statues or whatever because they are like dead weight
  • posimenatt
    posimenatt Posts: 2
    I've just started today and I certainly need more friends, I'm sure they would help with my motivation. Most of my friends are skinny-minnies and basically don't really get the whole diet & exercise thing, so I have a feeling I'm going to have to work hard to keep going. Add me as a friend one & all!! Lol
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