Nina76 Member


  • Wow, some amazing stories here! I'm new here and after posting this: I think I might be not eating enough. I'm really, really hesitant to eat more. I would love to meet some people who've been where I am and succeeded. Please help me with my…
  • Wow! You pics left me speechless. Congratualtions to the new you! You look amazing! Well done and thank you for the inspirational tips!!!
  • Alright, it might seem odd to some that I believe(d) that eating little will help to loose weight. To me, it seems strange that eating more will enable me to weigh less. But I've been getting some really good advice on her and a few pm with links discussing the subject and I'm quite amazed. I've also found a webpage…
  • My diary says it's 'public', not sure why you can't see it? So with the BMR, mine says 1,492 kcal/day. So that means if I eat 1492 kcal/day, I maintain my weight, if I want to loose weight I need to substract 20% which makes it 1192 kcal/day. If I'd burn e.g. 300 kal from exercise, should I then still eat 1192 kcal or 1492…
  • I had my thyroid checked and that's ok but I haven't checked anything else. Yes, 500 kcal and I'm not loosing anything. But I didn't loose anything on 1200 kcal either....
  • Thank you for your kind words! I feel a bit better today but still very frustated. Like I said before I have been trying the 1200 kcal plan and it di not work. I di try the 5:2 diet and that worked, so I was hoping my current plan works even better as I assume I might just not need that many calories and might have a…
  • Where do I find your blog???
  • I will try and track my food on here from now on. But I honestly don't believe I'm not eating enough. Last year I signed up to a program eating 1200 kcal a day and having the support of a nutritionalist. After 9 months, I still haven't lost anything. Most of the time I'm not hungry, I've got cravings but I'm not hungry. As…
  • Thanks for all your replies. I have to figure out how to open the diary but I have been writing it in a book for a while now as I don't have access to MFP during the day. I will transfer what I've eaten. At my heaviest I was 87 kg, so I lost a little but now whatever I do - nothing. I try to cut out processed foods as much…