Yasbox45 Member


  • I have the Polar FT 4 and have no complaints. I've only used it for calorie counting - it can test your fitness to help you train but I'm am not interested in all that. I lost weight successfully using it's calorie counting - I'd recommend the Polar FT 4.
  • I'm back after gaining almost half of what I lost over a 2.5 year period in just over 12 m. It's really tough, motivation is rock solid for a week or so then just withers and before I know it I can't bear look at myself. I yoyo'd on a low carb -30g eating plan all summer - losing 7 lbs easily then gaining them then losing.…
  • Polar HRM has a chest strap, it and is pretty accurate once background calories are taken off. I agree with you about the others though, not worth the risk of using them.
  • Hi I cycle and use a Garmin with build in GPS which also links to MFP. What I'm struggling with and do not like is it's way too generous and it doesn't remove the background calories. Today it's showing I have 300 calories left over when I know it's more like 90/100. Is there a way of deducting background calories?
  • Hi. I have roughly (haven't weighed in weeks) 20 lbs to lose. I lost 42 lbs up to July 2013 then lost the plot after Christmas. I've been yoyoing since with a high fat low carb approach but it doesn't fit into my active family life. I'm mentally preparing to shed the pounds with a calories in / out method and think some…