afirecracker4 Member


  • Holy Cow you eat nothing but what I try to stay away from! Milk, Shakes, Sugar, French Fries = all turns to fat with no exercise. I think you must be whats called "Skinny Fat" . You keep saying how you never eat enough because your never hungry. All you used to eat were apples and carrots. If you always ate less than 1200…
  • I am insulin resistant and join the club of low or no starches! I LOVE pasta too! I use the whole wheat but only eat it a few times a year as a treat. What is the dreamfields pasta everyone is talking about and where do you find it? What do you mean only 5 grams of pasta digested? Thanks
  • Perhaps when we eat back the calories it has to be fibrous vegetables, not carbohydrates? Many here talk about you have to eat so many calories to lose weight but my body does not respond if I do this. Probably because I'm insulin resistant and this is hereditary. My doc says I'm lucky I've managed to fight my weight like…
  • I feel your pain. Yes I totally agree that 2000 calories is entirely too much. I am 4'11-1/2" and my weight ranges from 128 to 138 range since i hit 40 years old. When I was younger I could eat 2000 calories a day and exercise 3 hours a week high impact aerobics and maintain!!!!!! Now at 46 years if I eat 2000 calories a…
  • I am so jealous of some of you! I have been in and out of the gym for twenty years (46 yo). After having severe foot pain from doing calf raises last year, I gained a few pounds and got to 138 my heaviest ever. I am 5'0 so this is serious! Just got back in gym in Feb. started out with starting strength and now doing a push…