

  • @Tamishumate, what exactly do you think is unhealthy about it? I've already explained how you only need 500 calories b/c you're using bodyfat as a true energy source at the rate of 1750-4000+ calories/day. So what exactly is unhealthy? It's very admirable that you've lost 170lbs, congratulations, but you have not done the…
    in hCG Comment by msrichmond June 2010
  • The entire HCG plan IS a lifelong plan. The 500 calorie diet is only the beginning. I don't know about "teaching" me better eating habits, but I definitely eat better now than I did before HCG. Many more vegetables, and I now eat more organic food than before. Why? Because while on HCG, I was able to kick my addictions to…
  • If followed correctly, it works wonders. If followed incorrectly, it doesn't. I followed it correctly and lost about 50 lbs and have kept it off. I thought it was easy to do. This is fact, not "too good to be true". I've since gone into the maintenance mode and have stayed within 5-10 lbs of my lowest weight. I feel great…
  • Way to go fivefatcats!! That is a great start! One thing I did for liquid was decaf iced tea with Stevia (you can do regular, I just prefer decaf). I'd drink a pitcher a day, and then water as well. It really helped me get thru the day without getting hungry. I got my Stevia from, but you can get it anywhere.…
    in hCG Comment by msrichmond June 2010
  • @thumper44, I stopped taking HCG about 1.5 months ago and am maintaining at about 245. The plan states you're only supposed to stay on HCG for 40 days. Some people go longer and are successful. I did 51 days total and reached about 50 lbs lost down to a weight of about 242. Then once I went off HCG I started the…
    in hCG Comment by msrichmond June 2010
  • For those of you trying it, I wish you all the best of luck!! The most important advice I can give you is really eat a ton of food on the 2 load days. I mean gorge!! The fattier food the better. I personally ate a bunch of Reese's Peanut Butter cups and went to a Chinese buffet twice. I did this because I wanted to fill up…
    in hCG Comment by msrichmond June 2010
  • I'm not sure where the HCG comes from, it might be from pregnant urine or it might be made synthetically. I just know when I got mine, it was from a pharmacy in little bottles in the form of a white powder. If it does come from urine and that grosses you out, just know that many of the pills you pop everyday come from many…
    in hCG Comment by msrichmond June 2010
  • I'm not sure if I can post a website on here or not, so I'll just say search on Youtube for somebody named mamaclok (that's the correct spelling). I did exactly what she did. Watch her videos; they are truly inspiring! Just look at the difference in her face between the older and newer videos. She lost about 75 lbs on HCG.…
    in hCG Comment by msrichmond June 2010
  • I lost about 50 lbs on it and have been in the maintenance phase for about 1.5 months fluctuating between 40-50 lbs lost. I thought it was the easiest weight loss I've ever done. I took HCG for 51 days and was hardly ever hungry at all. I made all my meals for the entire week every Sunday and put them in tupperware. Very…
    in hCG Comment by msrichmond June 2010
  • @Mom2Emery_Lian: Either your Mother is not following the program correctly or her doctor doesn't know what he's doing (more likely). Here is what you wrote: "I mean, she eats practically nothing...and no protein really, some fruit, lettuce salad, melba toast and a small dinner. " The no protein is key as the program…
  • I lost about 50 lbs on it and feel great! I'm currently taking a break from it to stabilize at this new weight, then I plan to go back on and lose another 50 to get back to my college weight! There's no reason to freak out about the 500 calories/day diet. While on the HCG, you're using 2500-4000+ calories of fat per day!…
  • Sounds good to me, I'm always up for a debate. I hope you can tell by the length of this that I've put a lot of thought into my responses. No medical education for me, and honestly, you couldn't pay me enough to do it. I'm a Computer Science major, so I'm a very logical, scientific person. I'm just a guy who has struggled…
    in HCG Comment by msrichmond April 2010
  • When you properly use HCG, you're NOT starving; you're not anorexic. Nobody who was properly using HCG was passing out anywhere. Those who did not use it may have passed out I suppose, but nobody who was using it properly. I know I've never passed out. You don't need to eat much because you're releasing thousands of fat…
    in HCG Comment by msrichmond April 2010
  • I'm doing it right now. I've been on it since 3/1/10. Look at my signature for how much I've lost. I wish the signatures would add a time element to the weight loss. When you take the recommended dose of HCG, it releases fat from your body at a rate of 1500-4000+ calories/day, depending on your size. So a larger person…
    in HCG Comment by msrichmond April 2010
  • @RVachon71: Actually, it is going to fix how I got fat by resetting my hypothalamus gland and correspondingly my metabolism level. Haven't you ever wondered how somebody 1/2 your size can eat twice as much as you and not gain weight? Dr. Simmeons' protocol explains why and provides a way to reset yours to their level.…
  • I'm down 23 lbs in 16 days. Feel great, have lots of energy, am *never* hungry and couldn't be happier. I'm getting *stronger* while I'm doing this, so I'm not losing muscle weight. It's all FAT. I also sleep better than I have in over a decade, no longer have to get up to pee 3-5x/night, wake up feeling fully rested, and…
  • It really depends on the Thai restaurant. Thai food generally uses more spices and seasonings for taste, but some dishes can use oils. My favorite is Ginger Chicken, aka Pad King. It's chicken and a variety of veggies stir fried. There may be some oil in it, but overall I think it's pretty healthy. Enjoy! If you like spicy…
  • I'm doing it right now. Just started yesterday in fact and am using myfitnesspal to keep track of everything. While I respect every post in this thread, those of you who talk about how you'd never inject hormones into yourself are fooling yourselves. Every piece of food you eat and the water you drink has stuff in it. It's…
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