

  • No in fact I find I am less hungry and do better on my weight loss when I go high on protein and lower on carbs. I have personally stalled a bit lately and am trying to get back to a higher protein diet to get the weight loss going again.
  • Glad you are going for it! Sure you will be the better for it. However, I caution you not to wait until you hit that weight to be happy. Celebrate all the small steps and all the small victories otherwise the burden of such a big challenge may become discouraging over time. Best of luck
  • I work out myself: running, jogging and actual doing EA NFL workouts on my kids wii
  • The beauty of this program is it does the calculations for you. So if you just set up this website for loose two pounds a week (which by the way is considered by TOO FAST as 1 pound a week is considered optimal for a healthy lifestyle) you will have all the work done for you. The way it works is you get your base calories…