

  • I'll have a crack for KM's on Dirt just to be different ;)
  • I Love Icecream so I now have a Yoplait Forme Yoghurt and Frozen Raspberries, satisfys the craving and is 1/4 the cals.
  • For me it's a substitute thing, whilst not a smoker I am an emmotional eater and caught myself yesterday and threw out the last of the mars bar i was eating just because I was stressed and went for a long walk instead. For me I find that excersise is the key to reducing that stress I like to ride and that free's my mind,…
  • Well for me In summer I try to get out early and beat the worst of the heat, in winter on weekends during the middle of the day, but obviously for work days you just cope with the cold by putting on another layer and get out there anyway.
  • Yep watch the movies that should fix the fast food problem or Jamie Olivers food revolution once you know what goes in you'll find it much easier to go without it. BTW I have now reach the stage that walking past the smell no longer makes me hungry but ill instead.
  • check out something like a Air9 or MCR would make a do anything bike, stay away from the chain store cheapies as you will be very disapointed, find a good local bike store and they should be able to help.
  • Same problem til I figured out it was my body telling me it was tired, so unless i have a reason to be up I just go to bed earlier.
  • The magic number is 35ml/kg that puts me at about 3.5l (18 cups) a day, I don't make it anywhere near that on most days however on heavy excercise days it can exceed that. It is important that whilst your trying to loose weight (fat) that you increase you water intake because toxins that you have consumed over time are…
  • Just a thought but check your weight setting ect on th HRM.