khallock78 Member


  • Hmmm...just walking sounds pretty boring. Do you need a treadmill to do those? Because I dont have one.
  • Well I guess I thought I could lose like 10-15 pounds in 7 weeks. since you always hear its like 2 pounds/week. I guess thats for people with more to lose? At this point I would take anything. I'd be happy with 10 pounds of weight loss. Happier with 14!!! I guess I will try just cutting down my portions and exercising more.
  • Thanks everyone. I looked up some stretching exercises on YouTube and I have found that I feel so much better immediately after. But I still have pain. Going to call the doc now and try to get in at some point next week I hope.
  • Well I may start doing my Jillian Anderson 30 day shred workout some nights as well. Its just hard to get that in sometime because 1. I am tired after working all day and coming home to 2 young children. Once they get to bed I usually want to passout myself! 2. I do it in my basement and its been hot down there this…
  • I made my diary public in case anyone wants to peek and give me some pointers.
  • I drink a liter of water while I am at the gym, and probably another liter thruout the day (is it bad to add those "Totally Light" ice tea packets to my water (not when at the gym))? Or is that just awful? I sometimes drink a seltzer water with dinner - does that count as more water? I have 1 diet coke usually in the AM,…
  • Well today I replaced my usual Lean Cuisine lunch with this: 1 can tuna (120 calories) about 2.5 cups romaine lettuce 1 whole cucumber 2-3 tbsps of Balsamic Vinegrette dressing - is it OK to use like Wishbone dressing? Or do I really need to be making my own? Because that sounds like a PITA!
  • Thanks. I can try to do it the night before. but as it is now I feel like I dont get much time to relax at the end of the day. By the time I come home, get dinner served, put the kids in bed, its 8 o'clock and I am already exhausted! We have a local chocolate place that sells little block of dark chocolate that is higher…
  • I can try to substitute my LC for a salad or something fresh. The LC is just easy because I have 2 kids that go to daycare so I have to make lunches for them everyday and I really dont want to have to think much about my own lunch or have to prepare it! Homemade cookies would be the death of me. I probably wouldnt have the…