Help with food intake

khallock78 Posts: 19 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm trying to stick to the 1200 calorie rule. I usually exercise on the elliptical machine 3-4 times a week and burn 300-400 calories each time, and I make up those calories so that I get the 1200 I am supposed to.

I find myself getting roughly the correct amount of calories, and carbs. But I am usually way under on fat, and way over on is this going to affect my weight loss?

I am going to try to amp up exercise by doing a exercise video 3 times a week. Probably Jillian Michael's 30-day shred. Thats 20 minutes and I would guess I would burn another 150-200 calories?

A typical day for me is this

Breakfast - Nature Valley granola bar (180 cal), maybe a piece of fruit, or low-fat string cheese (50 cals)
Lunch - Lean Cuisine. I always eat this because its easy for me to bring to work. (250-350 cals)
Snacks - 100 calorie pack, 100-cal popcorn. fruit or cheese
Dinner - grilled chicken or broiled fish and steamed veggies. I might sneak a couple of spoonfuls of my kids mac & cheese.
After dinner - Trying hard to keep it to an italian ice or 100 calorie pack. Sometimes I have both.

What changes should I be making to really lose weight? I am 32 years old, 5'2" and weigh about 155. I would like to get down to 135 at least.



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Don't be afraid of fats...your body needs fats in order to preform many functions. Have a salad at lunch instead of a lean cuisene...add some veggies to it (cuccumbers, tomatos, radishes, bell pepper chunks, green bean peices) and then add some olive oil or another heart healthy oil and then maybe add some type of protein (chicken, fish, tofu/edamame) and it becomes a compleate meal.
    And please do away with the 100 cal packs (I know most people are okay with them...but read the ingredients and you might be surprised)...sub them with air popped popcorn, 1-2 homemade cookies, and fresh veggies and fruits.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Looks like you are doing great. Would also suggest more fresh veggies and less packaged if at all possible, but given that lean cuisine is easy for you and keeps you away from really horrible stuff, I can see why you go that route. If you have any like at all for fresh veggies though, they are easy to pack and u you could add them to your lunch or snack times. And much easier said than done, at least for me, try not to be eating snacks too late in the evening. Keep up your good work!
  • khallock78
    khallock78 Posts: 19 Member
    I can try to substitute my LC for a salad or something fresh. The LC is just easy because I have 2 kids that go to daycare so I have to make lunches for them everyday and I really dont want to have to think much about my own lunch or have to prepare it!

    Homemade cookies would be the death of me. I probably wouldnt have the willpower to only have 2.

    I do cook with olive oil often. I will brush olive oil on top of my fish when i broil it.

    I have a sweet tooth so I really crave something chocolatey after lunch and dinner. I feel like the 100-calorie packs satisfy that craving. Would a piece of dark chocolate be better?
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I can try to substitute my LC for a salad or something fresh. The LC is just easy because I have 2 kids that go to daycare so I have to make lunches for them everyday and I really dont want to have to think much about my own lunch or have to prepare it!

    Homemade cookies would be the death of me. I probably wouldnt have the willpower to only have 2.

    I do cook with olive oil often. I will brush olive oil on top of my fish when i broil it.

    I have a sweet tooth so I really crave something chocolatey after lunch and dinner. I feel like the 100-calorie packs satisfy that craving. Would a piece of dark chocolate be better?

    You can always pack your foods the night before (maybe). I have a 6 year old that I have to have her lunch packed and have a snack packed for her for the next day. I always try to get it done the day before...makes mornings easier too.
    Is there a way that you could make cookies (freeze half the batter for a later date) and then pawn 1/2 of them off at work?
    Also, as for the chocolate...I'd go with the dark chocolate. When I eat it, it satisfies that sweet tooth much better than baked goods. I eat the Endangered Species brand (either the 88% cocoa-it's the one with the Panther on it or the 75% dark with nibs- it's the one with the fruit bat on it) and I only eat 1-2 squares. 1/2 the bar is the recomended I eat about 1/3 of the recomended serving. So it's only about 50 cals.
  • khallock78
    khallock78 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks. I can try to do it the night before. but as it is now I feel like I dont get much time to relax at the end of the day. By the time I come home, get dinner served, put the kids in bed, its 8 o'clock and I am already exhausted!

    We have a local chocolate place that sells little block of dark chocolate that is higher in cocoa. Maybe I will try something small like that when I feel a chocolate craving.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,321 Member
    Check out the sodium and sugars in all those prepared foods. That is your biggest problem. It isn't that difficult to switch over to healthy lunches.

    Prepare a large amount of whole grain pasta on Sunday, and refrigerate. Figure one cup per day. Chop up your favorite raw veggies on Sunday. Pre-prepare chicken.

    a. Add tomato sauce with veggies for Monday lunch with parmesan cheese (add some chicken for variation)
    b. Tuesday: Make pasta salad with olive oil and Feta cheese and veggies with tuna or salmon (from cans or foil paks)
    c. Wed: Make pasta salad with just veggies and feta and olive oil. Add lots of Spinach.
    d. Thurs: Whole wheat bread with tuna salad made with lowfat mayo and side of baby carrots
    e. Fri: Fresh Spinach salad with hard boiled egg/ artichoke hearts/ walnuts / apple slices / feta and olive oil

    The trick is to ALWAYS have Carbs / Protein / Fats in EVERY mealand snack.

    Really really try to stop eating the prepared stuff. The salt and sugar will derail your weight loss, and it is expensive. You'd be better off preparing those same meals yourself and freezing them.

  • khallock78
    khallock78 Posts: 19 Member
    Well today I replaced my usual Lean Cuisine lunch with this:

    1 can tuna (120 calories)
    about 2.5 cups romaine lettuce
    1 whole cucumber
    2-3 tbsps of Balsamic Vinegrette dressing - is it OK to use like Wishbone dressing? Or do I really need to be making my own? Because that sounds like a PITA!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Well today I replaced my usual Lean Cuisine lunch with this:

    1 can tuna (120 calories)
    about 2.5 cups romaine lettuce
    1 whole cucumber
    2-3 tbsps of Balsamic Vinegrette dressing - is it OK to use like Wishbone dressing? Or do I really need to be making my own? Because that sounds like a PITA!

    Much better and if you don't have time to make a dressing then so be it (better a few extra cals/sugars than what you were getting with the LC).
  • As for being low on fat & high on protein, I've been doing that since I started & have had no problem losing weight. But do be sure to get some far b/c a lot of vitamins/minerals are fat soluble & can't be digested without dietary fat. Other than that I concur on fresh vs packaged/ frozen. A lot of packaged/frozen foods are high on preservatives & sodium and sodium especially can really hinder weight loss. Be sure your food diary shows sodium & try to stay w/in the guidelines for it.
  • This method has worked for me and last week I lost 3 lbs. Total of 26 lost since November 16th, 2009. So I am living proof and this past week from Monday to Monday (I weigh in on Monday only) I ate 2 fresco beef tacos from taco bell and I had 1 suggested portion of Peppridge Farm Triple layer fudge cake and 1 serving of ice cream with it and still lost the 3 lbs. It is about eating your suggested number of calories so that you are eating enough. According to the Biggest Loser if you cut your calories too low your body will start to store food as fat. I eat about 1570 for my weight 216 and height 5 ft 6 in. Most times I am at the mark or just a few over or under. It is what my body needs to lose weight. Want to know more just ask me. If you look at the suggested number of calories from this site and eat that many or just a little more along with exercise you will do well. Do not do a FAD diet like weight watchers, Jenny Craig, South Beach or Atkins etc. Do a lifestyle change that is really what you need to do. Learn how to eat all kinds of food. You will feel much more full and less likely to binge on the foods you do love. One thing that I can tell you is PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN and less Carbs yes but do not throw out all carbs. I also ate rice and Mac & Cheese. I used to think that those suggested serving sizes on the package or box were for kids but now I realize that eating that much will fill me out. Also use a lot of salad (Spinach more then lettuce) and green veggies and fruits in your meals too. Good Luck. I hope this helps. Too Few calories and you wont lose...Too Many and you wont lose...It is about eating just enough to lose!

    Only a banana for breakfast is a bad idea. You need to eat more calories in the day and less as the day goes on. you should have protein protein protein. a much more filling meal is 9 grams of protein or more which will help you stay fuller longer. If you have a carb loaded meal, you will feel full but the fullness will wear off quite quickly and you will be hungry sooner. (Hence why Chinese makes you hungry after 2 hours). That whole thing about Low Fat and eating less does not work. You screw up your Metabolism if you do not eat enough cause then your body goes into survival mode. Good Luck.

    eat more calories at breakfast, cause i would burn them off in a day. I heard it said "Eat like a king for breakfast, a prince for lunch and a pauper for dinner."
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