sfkn123 Member


  • My wife and I have the Charge since 5/1/15. I've had FOUR exchanges, and my wife has had three. The band breaks easily (not just the buckle part, but the band that cannot be changed), the battery wouldn't last more than a day. One time I found condensation under the screen, even though I don't sweat excessively or bring it…
  • What do you weigh and what keeps you going? -Used to weigh 205, now I'm at 145. Motivation? Food. I love food. I run so that I can eat more without getting fat. How many times have you tried to lose weight? -This is my first attempt, but have been working on this since September 2014. Do you believe in quitters? -If you're…
  • Your body digests and removes the food in your stomach to use as energy while you are asleep. Also, your breathing slows down, and has a higher rate of removing co2 (which weighs more than oxygen). Another reason is that the water weight is probably removed as you weigh yourself after you pee in the morning.
  • I started at 205 lbs, and my goal was just to get to the high end of the normal range - 155 lbs. When I got to 155, I realized that I still had a lot of body fat and wanted to see what I have to do to get abs. I continued pushing myself, currently 147 lbs.. still no abs. I just switched my goal to 135 to see if that'll do…
  • Don't mistaken thirst for hunger. You might just be thirsty.
  • Binge eat fruits and veggies.
    in Plateau Comment by sfkn123 April 2015
  • The only work out I did was cardio. I started with an hour per day, increasing it to two hours. Went from 205 lbs to 148 in just a few months. I have not done any running in a few months due to having a busy schedule, but looking to get into weight training next.
  • I recently discovered that binge eating is a real thing. Often times, I eat so much that I get to the point where I'm completely stuffed and my stomach would hurt. I didn't know what "full" was, until recently.. I first binged on fruits and veggies - as much as I want, when I wanted. If you're binging on just veggies…
  • I do 1200 cal per weekday - Monday through Thursday, actually. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday means no caps on what I eat. That's how I maintain.
  • Mine is open.. I also snack a lot though..
  • The thing is, I'm not hungry.. My girlfriend makes my lunch and dinner, and she does use measuring cups, spoons, and weighs on a scale. I don't have to guestimate unless we eat out, which we only do once every 2-3 weeks. I also do a lot of cardio and began weight lifting to rebuild my muscles last week. I'm one month in…
    in TDEE Comment by sfkn123 September 2014
  • Mine lasted for about a week, but it's mostly because of the calories change. I went from probably 3500 calories to 1200-1500 overnight. It'll eventually come back. Exercising also helps speed this process up. More fluids.
  • I also have a question about this. I've been doing something like 1200-1500 with a BMR of 1800. Since I'm below the BMR, doesn't that mean I'm doing damage to my body? I don't notice a huge difference in terms of health, and I'm definitely not getting tired all the time. Now I'm wondering if I'm logging properly..
    in TDEE Comment by sfkn123 September 2014
  • I have no idea how to add people. I have to lose another 48 lbs. Let the party begin. Feel free to add.