

  • maybe get a friend to go with u? or nab a neighbours dog lol x
  • Do u have a Wii or Xbox at all? I do Zumba on that every night as i wouldnt be caught dead in a gym lol xx
  • hi all :) exercising i have to really push myself to do tbh. i do 20mins of zumba a day (45mins as of next week!) and i walk 4miles a day aswell. always seem to be left alot of calories though :-/
  • Hi all. im 5ft 3 and weigh 10.5 stone, so about 147lbs. im a size 12 - 14, 14 sometimes too big but a 12 can be really tight!
  • im adding my breakfast, lunch and dinner but i dont tend to snack at all so maybe thats why im left so many - unless im not doing it right haha! I walk about 4 miles a day, plus do 20 mins of Zumba every day. I seem to be stuck at my current weight so might take a while to shift it lol hope all goes well with you :)
  • Hi all im Krysty and i want to lose about a stone or a stone and a half. Im finding that im left with alot of calories at the end of the day - today im left with 517!