

  • No fast food all 4 weeks! My challenge for next month is to exercise at least five times a week. I'm going to try to continue with no fast food.
  • I haven't had any fast food the entire month. I'm proud of myself for that. I need to start exercising more though. I've really been slacking. That might be a good challenge idea for next month. To exercise at least five times a week. That would be a challenge for me.
  • Monday-No fast food. So far so good. I even have calories left today.
  • I'm really proud of myself with this fast food. I hope I can continue not eating fast food next month. I just have to get better with exercising. So far this month, no fast food. Closest thing to fast food that I had was subway.
  • No fast food since the challenge started. The closest to fast food that I've had was Subway. I had a foot long turkey sub on Wednesday. I weigh in tomorrow to see if I lost any weight this week.
  • Today I had a foot long turkey sub from Subway. But according to the rules this is not considered fast food, so I'm still good. I still went over my calories for the day. I'm curious if I'm going to lose weight this week. My fingers are crossed.
  • So far no fast food this entire challenge. I need to work on my snacking and working out. We can do this!
  • No fast food. So far so good. I was really proud of myself yesterday. My mother ordered a veggie pizza, but I didn't have one slice. I just wish I could stop all of this snacking I'm doing. One day at a time. So far I haven't had any fast food since the challenge started.
  • I haven't had any fast food all week. I went grocery shopping on Friday and have went over my calories. I need to get back to working out and keeping track of what I eat. I weighed in today and I've lost 6 pounds, so I'm happy about that.
  • Monday =No fast food. Tuesday=No fast food but went over my calories, didn't exercise. Wednesday=No fast food, worked out and still have calories left but hopefully I'm done eating for the night. So far so good. We can do this!
  • Tuesday, no fast food although I really wanted something. I did go over my calories a bit, I didn't feel like exercising.
  • Monday I did good. No fast food. I was also able to not go over my calories for the day. I hope I can keep it up.
  • SW:252.3 GW for January: 240 UGW: 170 I eat a lot of fast food on the weekend, but I'm definitely up for the challenge. I hope these different challenges motivate me to get this weight off! Thanks for the great idea!
  • I'm in, that sounds great, I need to be motivated.
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